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“Three friends, who grew up together, become officers of the law. Not knowing that the serial killer they were assigned to capture walks among them.”
Mental health, psychopathic behavior, and unconditional friendship is the basis for this story. In Los Angeles, CA, a serial killer shows psychological problems at an early age, but goes without notice, nor detection. This will have serious consequences in the future. One sometimes does not know the thoughts and problems our loved ones are born with or develop throughout time. Picture law abiding police officers, friendship, brotherhood, education, mental health, and the need for it all rapped up in very short period of time. Complete story extension comes from all the neighboring towns around L.A., in a 10 squared miles in radius. Mental help and the difficulty in pin pointing who needs it, who’s avoiding it, and who claims to have a problem of that nature, when in reality they don’t. This particular serial killer is being guided and controlled by an even more dangerous and evil individual who is yet to be revealed in the near future.As kids Rudy and Josue receive several signs throughout they’re years of growing up together that Carlos was strange for a reason.The serial killer’s boss and his reasons for murder and psychopathic tendencies have their own purpose and meaning. Carlos’s trauma was left and formed within losing his parents at a very young age, leaving him an orphan.Education and public awareness within the story, purposely placed for those in serious need of mental help, and or their loved one's seeking help for them. Brief educational quotes after every scene for awareness seems to brings this urgent reality to it. The question is why these three friends wanted to be police officers in the first place. They’re motivation, goals, and dreams.
High Concept: Once Josue knows who is the killer, he does not react like typical police officer, but rather shows compassion for one in a state of mind so troubled, that he/she would be considered ill and in need of psychological therapy at the least.
Aug 27, 2016
Josue Manuel Sanudo
EXT. Present Day – 4:00 am – Dawn – Empty
parking lot –
GUSTAVO O CAMPO, 46, Brown hair, Brown eyes, heavy set, workaholic, family man, late night drinker, and parties on the weekends. GUSTAVO O CAMPO, Man, why do I always do the same thing? I stay up late, and have to go to work early. I just don’t get myself sometimes. Gustavo just came out of a bar, but happened to park two blocks away because of how congested the bars parking lot was, full of cars. A strange figure is lurking behind some bushes, watching Mr. O Campo struggling to get to his car, jiggling his car keys in his pocket, not quite sure where they are. By the time he does pull out his keys, the strange figure is right in front of him just starring at him. GUSTAVO O CAMPO: And, what the heck do you want? You don’t scare me. Do you even know whom the fuck I’m? Because I don’t think you do. As the strange figure doesn’t answer him but rather simply pulls a sharp metallic object, from behind his back, and strikes like cobra snake, but with multiple sharp angled and precise pin point accuracy.(MORE)
Three cuts to be exact. One threw the throat, another in his eye socket, and the last one slit his nose off, all in one motion.
EXT. Year 2004 - A ROAD (leading to) A PARK (with many trees)(A set of Basketball Hoops and a soccer field) – IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY (12:00 pm -1:00 Pm.)
Carlos, Rudy, and Josue are walking towards the park one summer day, looking forward to playing a little soccer for a while. Before they could get to the soccer field, they ran into one other young man who they didn’t really know much, but knew that his name was Jason and was on his way to the park to play a little basketball, and offered the four of them if they wanted to play a two on two. Carlos was not interested from the beginning and declined the offer, as he starts walking towards one of the biggest trees at the park. He looked back at Rudy, Gustavo, and Josue, just to see if they knew where he had gone. From the suspicious facial expression Carlos had on him; you can tell he had nothing but bad thoughts going threw his head, just from his suspicious look on his face.
(MORE) (CONT.)CARLOS, Guatemalan, (23) years old, Brown rocker haircut, broken jeans, black, longs sleeve shirt, navy blue vans type of shoes, and a strange permanent look on his face.
CARLOS: Hey guy’s, wait for me.RUDY, Guatemalan, (33) years old, green shorts, yellow tang top, Black hair, flat top, black boots friendly, and happy for the most part, just having been promoted to Sargent in the Los Angeles Police Dept.
RUDY: Hurry up Carlos, you’re always slow, and you’re always the last one.JOSUE, Mexican/American, (27) years old, denim jeans, striped shirt, blue backpack, brown boots, outgoing, responsible, and cheerful at the time, with the necessity to be a hero at all times.
JOSUE: Ill wait for you, but come on run, because we’ve only got two hours to kill before our evening task force preparation training seminar. RUDY: I’m going to make at least 3 goals in a row on who ever is out on the soccer field trying to challenge. JOSUE: I want to see how many times I can break their ankles and juke them with my signature move I’ve been working on, and just recently mastered.JASON, Caucasian,(25) years old, skateboarder, blue shorts, white shirt, athletic shoes, short hair, and the big mouth type, always looking to school somebody, and anybody on the basketball court.
JASON: Hey guy’s! Want to join me on a two on two, or twenty-one basketball game? CARLOS: You guys go ahead, I’m going to play over there by that big tree, and just basically hang around, ok? Cool, see yaw. (MORE) (MORE) RUDY: Sure, I’ll take you and Josue on a twenty- one game real quick. Watch; let me prove it to you guys. (As Rudy takes a shot with the basketball as he finishes his sentence.) Rudy, Josue, and Jason are on the court playing basketball. Rudy scores a three point shot, and Josue cheers him on with excitement, as he expresses how much better his next shot will be then Rudy’s previous one. Carlos makes sure that both of his friends were distracted when he pulled out a protractor. It was one that he had been carrying around almost all his life. He also pulled out some food from his pocket, and started feeding the pigeons and birds. He see’s a dog chasing a ball, and calls for him in a sweet manner. At the same time the dog was moving towards Carlos’s, he encounters what he thought was a bird flying right through his head, only seeing it from his peripheral vision, which basically startled him just enough to jump start a violent reaction in him. He placed himself in a panic state of mind on purpose, even though he knew that he was in no way in danger.(MORE)
(Their was no way for anyone to know, but this was something he planned since earlier that morning, knowing he wanted to kill something or some one, and was going to use any excuse to pretend to be in danger, and lose control.) In actuality, someone had thrown a freesbie across the park. It just happened to go towards Carlos’s direction, and happened to pass right by his precise location. In a desperate panic, he starts stabbing and making incisions and cuts in every direction he could, giggling and laughing while this horrific sight took place. All of a sudden Rudy turns around from the basketball game and couldn’t believe what he was seeing. He calls for Josue, but by the time Josue turns around and looks, all he see’s is a dog stabbed and bleeding to death, from a decapitation that Carlos’s had just done. JOSUE: Carlos, Carlos! Are you ok? What happened? What’s going on? CARLOS: Oh, it’s nothing; it’s nothing, really! I didn’t do it on purpose; I was just protecting myself from this vicious dog. DOG OWNER, Anyone with the desire to play a concerned pet owner who was merely walking his dog along the park. DOG OWNER: My dog was not vicious at all. He has been my service dog for many years now. He used it as in excuse to justify his behavior.(MORE)
CARLOS, He attacked me, and I had to protect myself with what ever was necessary. Luckily, I still had my protractor from trigonometry class, or I don’t know what I would of done. DOG OWNER: In that case, I am so, so sorry. I don’t know what could of got into him. RUDY: You killed a dog, Carlos? CARLOS: Well, technically, yes, but it’s not what it looks like, I mean, I really thought my life was in danger. JASON: Well, it looks like someone stabbed this dog 25 to 30 times at least, and that’s before the decapitation of his head. You really can’t mistake how this happened either. Look at all those holes. What exactly happened? CARLOS: Look, first of all I don’t have to justify myself to anyone, especially not to anybody like you. (While looking and referring to Rudy, and Josue.) I was just playing around with the pigeons, and minding my own business, when I was attacked by this dog that growled and lunged at me, from out of nowhere. As you two know, I’ve been learning architecture on my spare time, and all my projects require one hundred percent accuracy. These are complicated calculations that could only be done with a protractor that I basically just happened to have. Thank God for giving me the instinct of placing it in my pocket, and not my backpack, which I normally do. RUDY: I don’t think anybody else in this world would be prepared for such an unexpected turn of events as this one. CARLOS: Well, I sure was, and I will take this as a learning lesson, to always remain alert and prepared, and as the old saying goes, “Expect the unexpected.”(MORE)
Right after Carlos’s finishes talking to the small crowd that had gathered around the horrific sight at the park, Josue and Rudy both finish reading to themselves the back of a local newspaper that was on the floor next to Carlos’s foot, that read; “You’ll often find that an anti-social individual will rationalize they’re disturbed thoughts, in a manner of confusion and desperate moves that become too obvious to miss.”FADE OUT: FADE IN:
A news bulletin hits every television, radio channel, and social media platform in the world. People thought that these murders were not connected, and were left as untimely coincidences. After 20 dead, and all homicides took place in a two-week period timeline, the Information and confirmation of a serial killer operating in San Bernardino, Orange, and in Los Angeles County was delivered to the public in a primetime session that evening. All the bodies had one thing in common, and it was the fact that they all had little, tiny cuts and incisions, that you(MORE)
can tell caused torture and a very slow death. Everyone in town was tense, scared, and on high alert.JOSUE, (42) Years old, Mexican/American, Lead Detective of the LAPD, Precinct 777, Tanned suit, black shoes, black tie, military haircut, always serious, and a workaholic.
JOSUE: Well Chief, what are we going to do, and how are we goin to go about it?RUDY, (48) Years old, Guatemalan, Chief of the LAPD, Precinct 777, stocky build, mustache, black suit and tie, married, 2 kids, and a dog.
RUDY: What do you mean? We’re going to find this sick individual and bring him to justice.CARLOS, (38) Years old, Guatemalan, Assistant Detective for the LAPD, Precinct 777, gray suit and tie, brown shoes, hair combed back, and highly comedic, always telling jokes, but only around Rudy and Josue.
CARLOS: Yes of course, but how or what could be the best approach that we can take? JOSUE: We have no leads. This doesn’t mean that there is not a lead out there. We just have to find it, and find him, right? RUDY: Oh, it’s a he all right, no doubt about it. His need to kill by over powering his victims, and using fear as his main weapon, in all my experience in the force tells me that this is a male with psychopathic behavior and homicidal tendencies. CARLOS: I agree, Chief. It makes a lot of sense. Now we must find out his motivation, and motive. That may help us find out his next possible target.(MORE)
RUDY: Well guy’s, do I need to explain what this great city is expecting of you? Do I a have to give you orders for you to understand what the job is? Dismissed. You’re still in my office? CARLOS AND JOSUE: No Sir, I mean yes Sir, right away Sir. We wont let you down boss. As Carlos and Josue are walking out of the chief’s office, Josue notices a paper pinned up on the corner of the classified wall section that he reads to himself: “Some serial killers will blend in within the community, and act as a normal productive member of society.”FADE OUT:
After a long day’s work and getting nowhere with it, as far as catching our local serial killer, who was still at large; they decide to go back at it again in the morning. Carlos wakes up to his front door being opened. He looked around, and covered the corpse on his bed with a blanket, and noticed that his hands and most of his body was covered full of his most recent victims blood. He panicked and yelled out for Josue to give him a minute or so.(MORE)
CARLOS, Don’t come in here I’m naked. I’ll be out in just a minute. Do me a favor and start the coffee, please. JOSUE, What is the mathafucken hold up, for real’s though? I mean don’t you know we have a ton of stuff to do today?INT. CARLOS’S LIVING ROOM – LEADING UP TO HIS BEDROOM
Josue had just finished his third cup of coffee, and felt jittery, energetic, and anxious to hit the streets and start doing some old-fashioned foot patrol around the killers dump sights. Josue barges into Carlos’s room, in a very playful way to try to hurry him up a bit. He walks right into whatever it is that Carlos was doing with two dead bodies, one of which was laying right next to him. (JOSUE WAS NOT SURPRISED BY THE WHOLE THING, NOR WAS HE IN SHOCK ABOUT THE CURRENT CIRCUMSTANCES HIS LONG TIME FRIEND AND PARTNER WAS IN. HE REACTED AS IS NOTHING STRANGE WAS GOING ON.) JOSUE, Oh, man! Your in one of your secrete meditation sessions, again, ha? I figured you were busy, and something had to of been holding you up. Well, you need to hurry up and rap this up, and quickly because Rudy is on his way over here, and he really needs to talk to you. CARLOS, Ooh gosh! I already know what he’s going to say. He wants me to stop what I’m doing for a while until things cool down a bit. JOSUE, Well, I think he has a very valid point don’t you think?(MORE)
CARLOS, Oh for Christ’s sake. We’re the head personnel for The Los Angeles Police Department. We pretty much control all of the information that all the news media, and general public get about new leads, and case updates or what not, so we should be ok. JOSUE, We? I don’t know where you got the idea that we are all doing what you are doing on you’re spare time, after work, and after hours. CARLOS, Oh Jeez, give me a brake, why don’t you. (Rudy walks in the house at the same time, calling out for both Carlos and Josue, walking through the hall, and entering Carlos’s room.) RUDY, What the fuck is wrong with you Carlos? Look at me when I’m talking to you, I’m being serious with you. CARLOS, What are you talking about? You know I can’t control my urges sometimes. I mean it’s as natural as breathing to me, you know that. RUDY, You just need to be more careful. What kind of story will fly with these hawks like news reporters, if something happens, and someone comes across some type of evidence or something? Answer me, come on, and tell me, because I would really like to know. CARLOS, Cut it out Rudy. We don’t have anything to worry about. I always cover my tracks, and I’m extra careful when I’m out operating. To top it off, the three of us just got promotions. Josue, Carlos does have a point their Rudy. Plus I’ve been really considering removing someone in my way permanently myself. They didn’t notice, but a shadow was watching them and listening to them the whole time. This individual who was a local peep in Tom, just happened to witness and(MORE)
hear their critical and crazy conversation, and left before anybody noticed he was there. CARLOS, Wow, what the heck? What was that? (RUDY AND JOSUE AT THE SAME TIME SAY) What was what? CARLOS, No, nothing! Ha, never mind. Josue and Rudy were confused, and Carlos shined it off like it was nothing but he had a vision of Gustavo smiling at him and this thought ran across his head at the same time that said; GUSTAVO, You might think that you’re the perfect breed for a psychopathic killer, but in my life I did things 10 times worse then you. I’m in hell right now. Where do you think you’re going afterworlds? I’ll be here waiting for you. Haaaaa! Haaaaa! Haaaaa! Haaaaa!The End
I apologize for the format mishap. I thought copy and paste would do it. Guess not. Well, you get the gist of it, no?