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By Tony Zodyac

GENRE: Action, Sports

A young fighter gets a chance to compete in a newly popular fighting tournament.


Fighters’ Rodeo is a fight film for this generation that starts with your Star, Samuel Stone.An average high school student with one problem, he fights a lot. After Samuel is permanently expelled from school, his mother decides to send him to stay with his estranged father, Sam Senior. Samuel’s mother hopes that hisfatherwill be able to show him that he needs to change his ways and start planning for the future. But instead, Samuel gets into another fight and ends up going to prison where he meets Trance McClain, a young ex-fighter with a secret past.

Trance shows Samuel the ropes while in prison and Samuel ends upjoining the Prison’s Recreational Boxing Program with Trance teaching him how to box. Samuel enters the Prison’s Boxing Competition and wins several matches earning him the nick name ‘Samson.’

Samueland Trance become best friends and are scheduled to be released from prison around the same time. A week before their release, they find out that their prison counselorhas been recording Samuel’smatches and sending them to a businessman named WinstonBrooks. Winston Brooksis a sponsor for an infamous fighting competition called the World Fighters’ Tournament also known as the Fighters’ Rodeo.Winston wants Samuelto enter the tournament with Tranceas his trainer.

Samuel goes through intense training and beats every opponent he faces when he enters the tournament. He quickly becomes a rising star fighting his way to the championship while receiving sports endorsements and national fame.

However, Russian fighter, ‘Vladimir Milosevic’ also known as ‘The Wolf,’ isn't happy with Samuel's success. Vladimir is the Fighters’ Rodeo current champion and is threatened by Samuel's victories. So, Vladimir devises a plan to end Samuel's winning streak, and at the same time, Samuelfinds out the secret behind Trance’spast.

Fighter’s Rodeois a new age, fight action film about two guys who become best friends and are giving a chance to overcome their past mistakes and achieve success. With its action packed fight scenes, dramatic moments, and light romance, Fighters’ Rodeois an exciting ride that I believe will appeal to a wide audience

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