Post your loglines. Get and give feedback.
1. ‘Have you ever wondered what you will be like when you are older? Two friends will discover when their future selves come back to their past to kick their ass’
2. If you could travel in time, would you kill Hitler as a baby? What would you do, given the choice, to yourself if you discovered that in your own future you became someone so much worse?
The Time Diary is a cautionary, ‘Be careful for what you wish for’ sci-fi black comedy. Two young men discover that when you invent time travel, there is a lot more to it than merely peeking at all the intriguing gadgets in the future.
Alternate time lines, murderous time travellers and the end of the world are just some of the problems which David and Hank must deal with, all from the comfort of their living room.Screenplay to be posted soon