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By Joseph D. Wulczynski

GENRE: Romance, Comedy

If Shannon Maple can just make it through the week of her younger sister’s wedding, a lawsuit, the assisted suicide of a mentor, a faltering grandmother, wild nights with her best friend, and the turmoil of a potential relationship, she just might find happiness.  


Shannon Maple is about to have one hell of a week. She is headed home for her younger sister's wedding, the death of her mentor, and a lawsuit. Shannon is the author of the popular comic; Mike the Zombie. During a convention, she became so upset with two of her fans that she smacked them in the head and now they are suing for physical damages. Her court appearance is being held the same week as her younger sister's wedding and people keep reminding her that she is still single to include her best friend who tries to ensure Shannon has some fun during her stay. Shannon is also keeping a promise to her mentor who is suffering from liver cancer. He has chosen assisted suicide and Shannon plans to stay with him to ensure he does not return as a flesh-eating zombie. During all of this, she also has to deal with her younger brother's teenage angst and the selected senility of her shotgun-wielding grandmother. Her lawyer explains to her that the opposing lawyer will try anything to win the case. This may include paying someone into provoking Shannon into anger in the hopes of her striking out, thus showing a trait of physical abuse. At a club, Shannon meets someone who is either the man of her dreams or the jerk hired to set her up. It's a hectic week as the pressures accumulate and Shannon finds relief in her zombie dreams. All ends well, her Mentors suffering ends, the lawsuit is dropped, the wedding goes off and Shannon may have found the love of her life.

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