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By Joseph D. Wulczynski

GENRE: Fantasy, Comedy

What happens when ‘ghost whisperers’ become overwhelmed due to everybody dying with too many unresolved issues?  Simple: Purgatory forms a new program designed to help people resolve their issues before they die, hopefully.


Roberts' girlfriend breaks up with him and he chooses to take a bath with the intent of committing suicide; however, Fate intervenes and Robert is selected to join the Messy Situation Intervention Program. The two ghost whisperers assigned to ensure he passes over are not aware of this when they arrive to see his soul off. They spend a few moments trying to convince Robert that he is dead until they realize he is still alive. Their supervisor, Dana, arrives and shoots a very much alive Robert with a tranquilizer dart to take him to the units' headquarters. While Robert is locked away, Dana explains the duty of the ghost whispers; their job is to facilitate the passing over of souls. Most souls happily and easily pass over but there is a current backlog of souls refusing to pass over due to some sort of unfinished business (UB). Purgatory is the administration office that runs Heaven and Hell and oversees the unnamed agency. They decide to form a new program entitled: The Messy Situation Intervention Program. The MSIP's mission is to help those who are close to dying but don't know it overcome issues that will keep them from crossing over to the other side. Robert has been selected to become a member because there is something in his file that will keep him from entering Heaven when he dies. He is offered the opportunity to gain enough credit for entrance into Heaven by assisting the living who are currently slated to die soon, complete any unfinished business that may keep them from crossing over when they do pass away. He has trouble believing the situation until Dana uses an APP and opens the Gates of Hell convincing Robert that the situation is real. Robert gains the unwanted friendship of Kyle and Devin-two ghost whisperers-and his life will not be the same as he tries to earn enough points to enter Heaven when his time does arrive. His first client is a young lady named Emily, whose boyfriend unexpectedly and rudely dumped her after two years. Their encounter goes off easily and Robert feels he’ll have no problem in his new situation. That is until he runs into Emily later on.

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