GENRE: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Crime, Drama, Family, Fantasy, Horror, Independent, Romance, Thriller, Western
I'm cheating a little. This is my logline as an actor. Or several loglines that I've played:
Most recently a major indie casting director told me he'd cast me as "the big dumb jock...but smart."
Here's what I generally go with: As an actor I have a Midwest, middle-america vibe. The guy you really hope will get the girl in the end, even though he’s always getting in his own way. Smart, funny and sometimes awkward.
• tall and lovable
• the sidekick who doesn’t know he’s the hero, ala in Jesse Plemons in Friday Night Lights
• the guy who just can’t get his shit together, ala David Walton in Bent
• likeable villains
• still waters run deep