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By Sean Francis Ellis

GENRE: Thriller, Action

When ultra-nationalist political parties seize power in Europe and impose martial law to silence dissent, a secret organization of spies, formed after World War II and dedicated to preserving democracy throughout Europe, sends five AGENTS to infiltrate The United Front, before the rest of Europe falls under their control. CLARA DUMAS, a cyber-warfare analyst, uncovers a traitor and a plot to start a war in Europe, that only she can prevent.


Following World War II and during the integration of Europe, a secret intelligencegathering agency, known as The Resistance, was formed. Its mandate was simple: uphold the democratic principles of the newly founded European Union, that were nearly torn down by the Third Reich. The Resistance recruited the best intelligence operatives from across the continent, trained them in counterintelligence, equipped them with advanced technology, and resisted a common enemy – the Soviet Union.

In recent years, the rise of cyber-terrorism made field techniques less effective, so a new kind of agent rose to the forefront – the Cyber-Spy. CLARA DUMAS, 29, is a data analyst with the agency, and a specialist investigating Propaganda and Disinformation.

As ultra-nationalist political parties seize power in five E.U. countries, Clara develops a brief that ties them together in one “United Front”, bent on European domination. The brief reveals how they secretly incited a border conflict, using social media to spread disinformation. Closing borders and dividing Europe, the United Front imprisons refugees in camps and imposes martial law on citizens, to silence dissent.

When protests within the U.F. countries are violently suppressed, killing innocent people, Clara’s superiors order her to a meeting, where she pitches her theory: the United Front will soon be able to topple the European Union, ending 70 years of peaceful cooperation. With 36 hours before a meeting of the EU Security Council, Clara is recruited into a team of field agents to infiltrate the U.F.’s leadership and prove her theory. The team includes MARCO (40), AVA (32), MIA (38), and XANDER (36), a field agent tasked with protecting Clara. An attraction develops as Xander helps Clara overcome her fear of working in the field.

Disguised as Médecins Sans Frontières Doctors, they enter a border camp holding 50,000 refugees, where Clara accesses the camp’s security network. She discovers a hidden base within the camp, where the United Front is preparing an army for invasion, using refugees as human shields to deflect surveillance. Clara and Xander narrowly escape with the evidence, but their team are murdered by soldiers of the United Front.

Clara is framed as a terrorist for killing hundreds of refugees in an explosion, making her a fugitive. But as Europe prepares for what seems like impending war, Xander and Clara board a train headed to Prague, with a last-ditch plan. Running the gauntlet of military police, Clara hacks into the United Front’s central command and records the leaders in a secret meeting, but Xander reveals himself as a double agent. Clara is taken into custody and presented to the angry crowds as the face of the enemy.

At a show trial broadcast to the world, Clara is shown in a doctored video causing the explosion that killed the refugees. But as she is condemned to death, a surveillance video planted by Clara shows the U.F. leaders discussing their ultimate plans to control Europe. The trial erupts in chaos and Xander chases Clara through the streets, as U.F. leaders are arrested by the army. Clara makes it to a border checkpoint, and Xander is killed by soldiers. She becomes a hero, resurrected from her former fugitive status.

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