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By Arthur Livermore

GENRE: Drama
LOGLINE: Soldier returns from Iraq and learns how to adjust to his new reality by using cannabis for the symptoms of post-traumatic stress.


SERGEANT WILLIAM KASTEN is a decorated Iraq war veteran who has a problem. He can’t deal with the normal world anymore. His wife, NANCY, is concerned by his lack of interest in the things he had been passionate about before the war. He drinks beer and becomes angry and lashes out at people. He refuses to see a psychiatrist because he thinks it would look like he was not able to handle the situation. William meets a Vietnam War veteran, SERGEANT JOHN MATTHEWS, who knows about dealing with post-traumatic stress. Sgt. Matthews has used cannabis to help him deal with his own problems. He is now a legal medical cannabis patient who has been volunteering to help other veterans. William gets into a fight with John after drinking all night at a local bar. They become friends afterwards and John gives William the contact information for his doctor, DAVID SANDSTROM. John tells William that it’s OK to get help for his problem. William is still reluctant to go to the doctor. When Nancy tells him that she has had enough of his anger and threatens to leave, he agrees to make an appointment with Dr. Sandstrom. William learns that he has post-traumatic stress disorder. Dr. Sandstrom tells him that his problems can be treated and he has a choice. He can deal with his feelings using prescription medications and herbal remedies. William learns that John is using cannabis as part of his treatment. Dr. Sandstrom explains that cannabis works by interacting with the endocannabinoid system in our bodies. William discovers that using cannabis gives him the ability to deal with his problems.

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