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By Izzibella Beau

GENRE: Drama
LOGLINE: Logline: A true-life story of a young girl who spent her childhood in foster care, was molested at a young age, had a one percent chance of survival following a helicopter crash, then went on to become a successful wealthy business owner.


Synopsis: Abigail Rich was thrown from a second story window by her birth mother at the age of two months. She was rescued by emergency personnel and immediately placed into the Child Welfare System when her mother was arrested and sentenced to seven years in prison and no other immediate family members could be found. Abigail ‘s maternal grandparents were found and gained visitation rights through the child welfare system. Although her grandfather, Louis Rich, doted on his granddaughter, his wife did just the opposite. She would abuse Abigail every chance that she got, including knocking out baby teeth with a backhand to the mouth. Abigail never stayed more than six months in any foster home. The older foster parents were tolerable, but the younger ones were only in it for the money. Abigail was often left with too little food to eat, had to lie to the case workers about living arrangements, her clothes were always hand-me-downs from previous children, and at times she was fondled while grown men gave her a bath. At the age of eight, Abigail met one of her older brothers, Richard. He was over fifteen years older than her. His nature was of a predator, and soon after he and Abigail became acquainted he molested her at a birthday party being held for her grandmother. Abigail never recovered from the incident, nor did she tell anyone about it until she was an adult. At the age of fifteen, Abigail could live with her grandparents fulltime to attend the same high school throughout her teenage years. Her grandfather treated her like a princess, but her grandmother made her daily life a living hell every chance that she could. Foul names were called, split open lips were a usual incidence, and harassment was always a daily occurrence. Abigail met another older brother, Nicholas and his wife Sophia during her high school years. Although the brother didn’t take a liking to his much younger sister. Abigail and Sophia became close friends, almost like a mother-daughter relationship, and continues that same sense of intimacy until today. Abigail found her calling that she wanted to do in life when her and Louis Rich witnessed and helped at a car accident scene. She wanted to become a Flight Paramedic. Abigail graduated high school and the next day her grandfather took her to sign up for testing. She scored the highest in her class and began instruction that would lead her to become an EMT. Abigail was harassed for being the only female in her class, but she persevered through the trial and became an EMT. After several months of rigorous employment and training, mainly from the harassment from her male counterparts, she tested to become a flight paramedic. Abigail passed all the testing’s and flew on many runs. It was during this time of working in flight that she suffered a major blow to her career. A helicopter that she was aboard crashed into a forested area in the middle of a snow storm. Abigail and her crewmates were trapped for hours in a tree until a military air rescue crew saved them. Abigail suffered major trauma and was given only a one percent chance of survival. Abigail laid in a coma for weeks with Sophia by her side. The hospital staff tried to get life support turned off, but Sophia fought them every step of the way. Abigail awoke from her coma without any permanent damage except scars from her surgeries. After several months of rehabilitation, she got to go home. Abigail’s next career began with a waitressing job at Hooters. She met a recruiter for L’Oréal and he invited her for a test shoot in Chicago. Abigail and Sophia attended and thus began a modeling career for Abigail. After several years of working with L’Oréal and other small modeling gigs, Abigail was approached by another prominent modeling company. They worked together until Abigail formed her own company and began designing her own contracts. Abigail became a permanent addition to Playboy and Victoria Secrets international gigs. She went on a centerfold and cover model for many international copies. In 2016, Abigail finally was adopted by Sophia Rich and now has a family to call own.

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