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Three young men, Damon, Lamar, and Alejandro, along with the help of corrupt stadium personnel, plan to pull off one of the biggest terrorist acts set on U. S. soil. They've been planning this act for over two years, gaining the trust of Nora, Shaina, and Kylie, female security guards at the stadium. Will the women follow along with the plan and save the lives of their families or will they help to bring down the terrorists before thousands lose their lives?
The first ten pages from Final Draft are attached FADE IN: INT. DIM LIGHT ROOM - DAY Video news clippings show on laptop screen: Fertilizer Plant Explosion Near Waco, Texas. Jacksonville, Florida: a pipe bomb explodes while approximately 60 Muslims are praying in the mosque. The attack causes no injuries. Two packages are found on separate cargo planes. Each package contains a bomb consisting of 300 to 400 grams (11-14 oz) of plastic explosives and a detonating mechanism. Spokane, Washington: a pipe bomb is discovered along the route of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial March, no injuries. A Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 crashes in eastern Ukraine near the Russian border, killing all 298 passengers and crew members. Clippings end, reflection of man’s evil smile on the laptop screen. Screen goes black. SUPER: Bombs bursting, buildings collapsing, people screaming, rushing around. WHEN WE FALL DOWN CUT TO: EXT. MAIN PARKING LOT OUTSIDE AN EMPTY FOOTBALL STADIUM - EVENING The sun sets on the horizon FOUR MEN stand motionless, stare at the stadium. Three are dressed in black dress attire while the other is suited in a certified stadium personnel uniform. A large brown envelope is passed to the employee. He looks inside the envelope, nods. Man in uniform walks away from the group, up to the stadium entrance. He turns around, looks at the three men, face is blurred, walks inside. The three men walk over to a high-end SUV parked in the lot, drive away. INT. SMALL APARTMENT - DAY SHAINA, (20s), petite, African American woman, rushes about picking up thrown baby toys from the floor. Her MOTHER, (40s), holds ISIAH, toddler, on her knee. SHAINA I have everything ready for Isiah's dinner. Pats the microwave. SHAINA (CONT’D) I might be late, it depends on how traffic is after the game lets out. Gives little boy and momma each a kiss on the cheek. MOTHER I don’t know why you go and get yourself another job. You got yourself a baby boy right here. Ruffles the curls on the top of Isiah’s head. MOTHER (CONT’D) We be doin okay. You need more time with your boy. SHAINA No, we’re not. I want better for Isiah. This is only a part time job, I’m lucky if I get a few hours a week. Gives Isiah one last kiss on the cheek. SHAINA (CONT’D) He’s got his Grammy, so I know he’s safe and in good hands. Looks at clock on the wall. SHAINA (CONT’D) I gotta get going. Love you. Walks out, shuts the front door. CUT TO: INT. LIVING ROOM - DAY NORA, Caucasian, (30s), kicks a soda can out of way. DEVON (13), SKYLAR (16), NIX (19), sit on the sofa, play video games. NORA I want all this mess picked up before I get back. Motions to soda cans and candy wrappers on the table and floor. Boys don’t answer. NORA (CONT’D) Did you hear me? Stands in front of the TV. Boys groan, try to look around her. NIX Mom, move we can’t see. Stands, moves to get better view of TV. SKYLAR We get it, clean up. Nora moves, walks to the door. NORA I have to go to work. The boys nod. NORA (CONT’D) Hopefully, the game doesn’t last all night. Opens the door. NORA (CONT’D) Devon, make sure you get your homework done. Boys don’t pay attention, busy with their game. Nora walks out. CUT TO: INT. RUN-DOWN ONE ROOM HOUSE - DAY KYLIE, 20, ties her hair up into a ponytail, grabs badge off the table. STEVE, 30s, half-full beer case and cigarettes on table, grabs her hand before she walks away. STEVE You have until nine to get back. KYLIE Traffic is always bad after a game. Voice trembles, doesn’t make eye contact. STEVE I guess you better figure a way around it. Lets go of her hand, grabs can, chugs it, crumbles and tosses. Kylie moves towards the door. Steve points to the clock. STEVE (CONT’D) Nine. Kylie nods, walks out. CUT TO: INT. FAMILY ROOM - DAY SARAH, (30s), soccer mom, slips on her black oxfords. Looks through her clutch bag as JONATHAN, (30s), BRENDAN and BAILEY (elementary school age), watch from the sofa. JONATHAN Honey, it’s right there. Points to the security badge on the coffee table. Sarah shakes her head, picks it up. Jonathan walks Sarah to the door. JONATHAN (CONT’D) You know you don’t have to work this job, the business will pick up. Pulls her into a hug. SARAH I really like it. I spoke with the ladies that I worked with last season and they’re going to be there. Jonathan backs up. Gives Sarah a smile. JONATHAN You go fight that stadium crowd. Be careful. Gives her a kiss. BRENDAN AND BAILEY Bye, mommy. Both wave. SARAH I’ll see you in the morning. Love you. Blows them a kiss. One last kiss for Jonathan. Sarah leaves. CUT TO: EXT. FOOTBALL STADIUM MAIN ENTRANCE - DAY Crowds of FOOTBALL FANS roam around. STADIUM PERSONNEL at work assignment positions. Nora pushes through the crowd, hooks her badge to her shirt. Rushes to the time clock, scans through the names, grabs her ticket, punches in for work. SARAH Running late again. Bumps into Nora. Nora turns gives her small hug. NORA I don’t know what’s worse traffic before or after the game. Sarah nods. SARAH There’s Shaina and Kylie. Points to the two ladies walking towards them. NORA Hey, ladies. Long time no see. Gives both ladies a hug. SHAINA It is so crowded today. Has anyone seen our favorite guests? Looks back at the long lines of people. NORA Are we looking for someone in particular? Winks. SHAINA Uh... um... Nope just seeing if the regulars are here. The other three ladies chuckle. Shaina shakes her head. SHAINA (CONT’D) We better get to work. Moves towards the lines of fans. The other three follow. CUT TO: EXT. FOOTBALL STADIUM ENTRANCE - AFTERNOON Long lines of FANS wait. Shaina, Kylie, Nora, and Sarah stand in position for security checks. The ladies check bags as patrons come through. Nora nudges Shaina, nods to the line. LAMAR, ALEJANDRO, and DAMON, (mid-20s), stand in line. Eyes are on the ladies. The men get patted by male security, then walk over to the women. LAMAR How are you beautiful ladies doing this afternoon? He looks at Shaina, she smiles, blushes, and looks away. NORA It’s good to see you gentlemen again. Are you here all season again? Checks a bag for a fan, waves them through. DAMON Will we get you ladies to come get a drink with us after a game this season? SARAH I’m married, but I’m sure the other ladies would love to go, right Kylie. Nudges the petite, shy girl. Kylie looks scared. KYLIE I... um... I usually have to get back early. Voice is soft. She glances at Alejandro, looks away when he smiles. The crowd thickens around the ladies, bags pile up, fans are restless. Damon puts his hand on Nora’s back. DAMON We’ll let you ladies get back to work. See you after the game. Winks at her, walks away. The others follow. Sarah leans over close to Nora. SARAH Looks like you might get to play a Mrs. Robinson. Giggles, goes back to checking bags. CUT TO: EXT. PARKING LOT - NIGHT Nora, Sarah, Kylie, and Shaina walk back to their vehicles. ROWDY FOOTBALL FANS roam around. The parking lot is emptying out. Damon, Alejandro, and Lamar wait by an SUV in priority parking. Watches the crowd go past. Damon nudges Lamar when the women get into view. Shaina notices the men, little wave to Lamar, he walks over. LAMAR You ladies up for that drink tonight? Flirtatious smile at Shaina. SARAH I have to get home. NORA C’mon, Sarah. Let’s make it coffee and we’ll all go. Sarah’s hesitant, but nods. NORA (CONT’D) Are you coming, Kylie. Glances at the quiet girl of the group. Kylie shakes her head. KYLIE I have to get home. Whispery tone. Alejandro’s eyes are fixed on Kylie. ALEJANDRO C’mon, Kylie. I’ll buy. Kylie looks at her cell phone, time is 7:30. KYLIE Okay, just one, then I really have to leave. Alejandro gets a big smile. DAMON Follow us ladies. Guys move to get into SUV. Women go to their own vehicles. CUT TO: INT. COFFEE SHOP - NIGHT The four women and three men sit around a table, drink coffee, talk, and laugh. CUT TO: INT. INSIDE ESCALADE - NIGHT Alejandro, Damon, Lamar, sit with AHMED(20s) he wears a stadium employee uniform. AHMED Are we doing this? Anxious, eyes dart among the three men. The other three look at each other, nod. DAMON It’s a go this time. Ahmed exits vehicle. CUT TO: INT. NORA’S HOUSE - NIGHT Nora enters, boys are still playing. She gives them a dirty glance, starts picking up their mess. CUT TO: INT. SARAH’S HOUSE - NIGHT Sarah finds her husband watching TV, both children are curled up next to him asleep. She tiptoes in, kisses his cheek, sits down with family. CUT TO: INT. SHAINA’S HOUSE - NIGHT Mother sits at table reading a book, Isiah is asleep tucked up tightly on the sofa. Shaina smiles at the baby, kisses tenderly on the cheek, does the same to mother, walks out of room. CUT TO: INT. KYLIE’S HOUSE - NIGHT Kylie slowly opens the front door, walks in. Steve sits at the table, lines of empty beer cans in front of him. He glances at the clock, it reads 9:02. Motions with finger for Kylie to come over. She does ever so slowly. Steve stands in front of her. STEVE You’re two minutes late. Kylie’s eyes shift away from his glare. The sound of fist hitting and a loud scream echo through the room. CUT TO: INT. WAREHOUSE - NIGHT Alejandro, Lamar, Ahmed and THREE OTHER MEN stand around a large table. They work on small devices, electrical components, watch parts, and slender fuse box containers line the table. Damon walks in, he’s on his cell phone. Men stop, watch Damon. DAMON We will, it’s a definite this time. Hangs up, puts phone on the table. Men stare, question with eyes. DAMON (CONT’D) The stuff will be here next week. We have one month to prepare and execute... that’s it. AHMED I don’t know if I can get it ready in time. Damon walks over to Ahmed, roughly puts arm around his shoulder. DAMON You WILL get it done in time. We can’t wait any longer. We would hate to see something happen to that beautiful wife and baby. Slaps Ahmed on the back, walks away. Ahmed looks shaken. The men get back to work