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By Vincent Kyere Kane

GENRE: Crime, Drama

A High school freshman with a low sense of self-esteem finds himself constantly the target of bullies, including that of his own father. An event causes something to snap within him, he goes on a rampage, which ends up with him killing two-thirds of his family.


Mason Craig is a high school Freshman living in Chicago. Mason is short and fat or meaty. He is berated constantly by his father to be a man and burn all that fat, but nothing seems to work for Mason. Mason's days in school are plagued with embarrassments, and bullying. He also has an unhealthy infatuation with a pretty girl in his class, who happens to be the sister of his main bully. The story begins by taking us through just one of those days in Mason's life. There's an event where the bullies attempt to flush Mason in a toilet, which happens to be full. Mason's father is an Ex-Navy Seal officer who tries to man up his son by taking him on hunting sessions. On one of Mason's school days, Mason goes through a traumatic event, caused by his chronic bullies, which causes him to recede into himself, into a dark place. He decides to punish his bullies. Inspired by reading Mass School shootings from the past online, he plans a school massacre, using his father's artillery stores to execute his 'judgment'. He orchestrates a school shooting, punishing his bullies, killing hundreds of students, including the Principal, killing his father and older sister in the process.

George Obed

Hi Vinc, I'm a film maker. I hope we can collaborate on something

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