A troubled boy finds an ally against his tormentors in a dark unicorn, but when its murderous attentions turn on the boy's family, he realizes the true cost of its loyalty.
I think you should replace "he realizes the true cost of its loyalty" with the story's goal/what the boy does after the unicorn turns on his family.
Example: "A troubled boy finds an ally against his tormentors in a dark unicorn, but when its murderous attentions turn on the boy's family, he tries to _______ (goal of story)." Or “attempts to,” “fights to,” “struggles to,” “sets out to,” “fights,” “battles,” etc.
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This is a really unique concept, Rodriquez Fruitbat!
I think you should replace "he realizes the true cost of its loyalty" with the story's goal/what the boy does after the unicorn turns on his family.
Example: "A troubled boy finds an ally against his tormentors in a dark unicorn, but when its murderous attentions turn on the boy's family, he tries to _______ (goal of story)." Or “attempts to,” “fights to,” “struggles to,” “sets out to,” “fights,” “battles,” etc.
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