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By Robert Gately

GENRE: Drama
LOGLINE: Greedy executives of a large corporation implement an illegal downsizing process, and they would’ve gotten away with it, but they didn’t count on a desperate employee whose courage and family loyalty proves much stronger than any of their corporate policies. (Inspired by true events)


Kit Hopkins lies in a hospital bed in an intensive care room with a Hickman line intruding her body, receiving what is hoped to be a new lease on life. She quietly and unconsciously fights a second bout with leukemia as Rodney, her father, watches her from behind the glass window. His moan requires no effort from his will, and he has no self-discipline to stop it. At the nurses’ station, a TV set broadcasts a news program about a corporate downsizing frenzy that is rummaging through American business like an indiscriminate, untreatable disease. This story accents a harsh mystery of criminal activities among corporate executives. Rodney’s chilling despondency and the eccentric news story has an apparent connection. This connection is explored in a flashback to a time when the Hopkins’ family was more hopeful. Kit’s disease was in remission. Rodney was employed and had medical insurance that had already poured thousands of dollars into the initial fight against Kit’s “condition”. The story soon centers on Rodney’s battle to keep his current job so he can show Children’s Hospital that he has long-term employment and insurance protection since Kit’s sickness resurfaces. She will need a bone marrow transplant and months of rigorous hospital care. But a manipulative, greedy female executive secretly, covertly, pushes a ‘list’ through the downsizing process, targeting Rodney and other loyalists classified as ‘high maintenance’ due to their previous medical expenses. This is not only an intolerable condition to the employees and the American people, but it is illegal as well. That’s why, as with the unlikely hero in Network, Rodney strikes a vibrant cord with the American working class. He decides to fight his company’s reorganization effort and cries out, “I am not going to take this anymore”. In a Sneakers-like office break-in, Rodney acquires the legal information needed to file a Preliminary Injunction that temporarily postpones the downsizing. In an And Justice for All courtroom drama, Rodney gives a performance of a lifetime, and even though he gains national recognition and hero status, he loses the battle, but not the war. In a gripping, heartwarming display of compassion, generosity and love, his coworkers and friends come to his financial aide. At the hospital, where the story began, Rodney prays that it is not too late for Kit. He hopes the disease has not stolen her will to live and ability to fight one last time. Quickly, we jump ahead eight years to a baseball game where Rodney and his wife watch their son play ball. We anxiously look for a sign that not only Kit has survived her ordeal, but Rodney has conquered the bitter-sweet battle of corporate greed and has found happiness as well. Suddenly a figure appears - a beautiful, rambunctious girl jumps onto the scene – and we feel her joy and happiness as she asks Rodney if she can sleep over a friend’s house. Finally, we come to closure and know that All’s Well That Ends Well, as we find hope for the future in her spirit.


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