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By Angel Williams

GENRE: Sci-fi

In a Post-Apocalyptic society, two young dreamers must unite and mature into the leaders who will save their homeland from the nefarious founders who will do anything to maintain power.


As a stable, Post-Apocalyptic world begins to fall apart, it calls for change, and two young heirs of opposing houses hear the call.

Rot lurks behind the façade because the architects of society, manipulating the social fabric behind the scenes to suit their rapacious ways, feel their control slipping and grow desperate. People go missing.

The young man and young woman, fated to change the world, must journey across strange dimensions, facing their weaknesses and finding their shared strengths, or see their society torn apart.

Nathaniel Baker

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J.B. Storey

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Amazing Kacee

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Maurice Vaughan

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Tasha Lewis

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Angel Williams

This logline was created with a co-writer, so all suggestions are welcome as I would love to discuss with my co-writer how we can punch this logline up. Thanks, everyone!

Amazing Kacee

there is no emotion, no hook nothing - kind of boring and unoriginal - what makes it unique?

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