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Surviving the Military SYNOPSIS Norma had seen the world of East New York, Brooklyn, but being thrown out of the nest and outside that world would be the scariest time of her life, especially if it meant not getting into the Juilliard School of Music. Until the letter of acceptance arrived, she will endure her wheel-chair bound, polio-surviving mothers’ strong opinion about her life. When Norma’s acceptance letter is denied, she works at a local Jaws fish market for mob boss Carl Casino. After he threatened her life for not submitting to his sexual advances, she enlisted in the United States Army. The experience of serving in the U.S. Army was exciting and rewarding for a 19-year-old from East New York, Brooklyn until PVT Rosey decided to hang Norma out a three-story window because she would not have sex with him. After another soldier saved Norma. PVT Rosey decided he would sexually assault Norma. She found out she was pregnant, she decided to abort the unwanted pregnancy and returned to Brooklyn. Norma was determined to find a way to fulfill her music dreams, but in the meantime, she began working as a store detective in a local department store when she was sexually assaulted by her supervisor and told by an NYPD police officer, she should expect that behavior because she was in shape and attractive. Norma’s persistence got her three offers from three records labels and while waiting for the contract to be drawn up she needed help with her two children from family members. Her husband told her, “Come home and be a wife,” her mother told her, “I did not have them children,” Norma divorced her husband after he hired a woman that robbed a bank and kidnapped her child to babysit their children. When she could not handle life, she began to drink heavily and became extremely depressed. Norma made the decision to seek mental health instead of committing suicide. Her life changed and she forgave everyone around her for sabotaging her dream.