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By Jeremy Jordan

GENRE: Romance, Thriller


JIM NICKERSON runs for his life from some marks he tried to con in Vegas. His partner ALGER, not so lucky, sits dead in a Vegas hotel room with money stuffed in his mouth. Jim steals a truck, but it dies on him somewhere in the middle of the desert. Stroke of luck, he comes across CARL, a doctor from Los Angeles so depressed over the death of his wife that he's come to this secluded spot to kill himself. Carl begs Jim to take a note and his Rolex to Los Angeles and give it to his sister ANNE. The note is in Braille. Anne is blind. Carl dies. Jim stuffs Carl in the stolen truck, wipes it clean for prints, and takes off in Carl's Range Rover for L.A. He flips through Carl's ID gets his address and learns he was supposed to be in Vegas for a convention. Once in L.A., Jim meets up with drugged out stripper CAROLINE, screws her, then she asks where her husband is. Caroline is married to Alger. Jim tells her they had to split up, that he's waiting for Alger too because Alger has the entire haul from their last con. Though Jim knows damn well Alger is dead. Jim wants to hock Carl's Rolex and get fake ID. He asks Caroline to put him in touch with FLIP LIP. Jim wants out of L.A.—says its bad luck. He pays a blind man to read the Braille letter for Anne. In it, Carl apologizes for running the clinic into the ground and hopes she'll be able to make it healthy with him out of the way. Jim goes to Carl's house and, using his keys to enter, he snoops around. While there, Anne comes home. There's a moment where she senses Jim, but he slips away undetected. Jim meets up with Flip Lip and has Flip Lip run an asset check on Carl using Carl's credit cards. Jim is surprised the card only has a $1,000 limit. The report shows Carl was worth millions but it was all transferred to a trust account of which Anne is executor. Flip Lip can't access her info without numbers. Jim uses his keys to enter Carl's house again. This time he knows Anne is home. She thinks its Carl returning. Jim apologizes. Says he's a friend of Carl's moving to L.A. because of a divorce. Carl sent him the keys to crash at the house for a few days. Sensing Anne's discomfort and saying he was sure Carl would've said something, he tells her he'll get a hotel. He plays her perfectly. She feels guilty and asks him to stay for dinner. By the end of the night she's opened her house to him. Jim pretends to be a financial consultant, but tells Anne not to worry, she couldn't afford him. Jim goes to Flip Lip with a plan for a con. He needs $50,000. Flip Lip finally gets him the money which Jim puts into a bank account. Jim and Anne start getting much closer. He uses his proximity to her to learn all of her passions and then plays into them perfectly. She's an accomplished classical musician who loves playing in an rock band as well. She's surprised to return home from a gig one night (a gig Jim watched without telling her) and hear the same type of music coming from the stereo. Soon enough, Anne drops her guard and opens up to Jim in trust. Of course she thinks his name is JOHN. He offers, out of friendship, to just look at the trust paperwork for the Harbor Clinic which she owns. This angers DANIEL, the Harbor Clinic Manager who doesn't trust Jim. Jim points out privately how vulnerable Anne is for takeover on a whim from Daniel and suggests ways she can protect herself and her millions in net worth. As time goes on, Jim occasionally pretends that Carl called and said he was staying on in Vegas for another week, saying he met someone. Anne is excited for Carl because he must finally be ready to move on. Finally, Jim mentions an investment opportunity where she's guaranteed 18% for loaning money over a weekend. The idea plays off the Japanese markets closing down for a weekend at their fiscal year end and the difference in time zones. Sensing her discomfort Jim tells Anne he'll put his money in first just so she can see how it works, then, if she wants, she can come in on one too. Trusting Jim, she has a cashier’s check made out and put in his account. But as the con is nearly complete, Jim finds himself in a moral dilemma. He's fallen in love with Anne. He rushes to the bank and takes out all of Anne's money and Flip Lip’s “convincer” cash. He puts Anne’s share on her bureau, writes a note and packs to leave. The Cops show up. They've found Carl's body. Anne realizes Jim is a fraud. She lets the cops leave, locks up the house, kills the lights, sending Jim into a state of blindness. Anne chases Jim through the darkness, beating him with a cane till he tells her the truth. In a quiet moment he lunges for the cane. They struggle till Jim forces the cane away from Anne and leaves. He drives barely a block and sees SAM and FRED, the two guys he’s been running from. They’ve tracked him down to Anne’s house. Jim has to decide if he should keep running or return to save Anne—and probably die in the process…

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