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By Mike W. Rogers

GENRE: Drama

When a man digs a foundation for a barn, he uncovers a very valuable material running under the ground and looks to his son to decide the future of the family farm.


The fall brings the boarding season and soon the girls from the surrounding Manor houses will need a place to board their Arabian horses. On a fallow field a barn will be built to care for the horses during the Winter. Before one can build the construct, one must first dig a foundation.

Anytime we dig, we are given the opportunity to teach. To reveal what lies beneath. So to understand the pricelessness in the dirt of a family plot.


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William Gunn

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William Gunn

Mike, this is a really good idea. In the script you mention 'The plot was laid out in 1842.' How will the audience know that? The same goes for the main character being 'An engineer by trade.' Once again, how is something the audience will know. I had a really hard time with this myself. In my earlier screenplays I constantly made that mistake. Just remember film is a visual medium. 'Show not Tell' is true! If the audience can't see it or hear it, any information we write is wasted effort. Good luck, William Gunn

Nathaniel Baker

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