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A USMC Wounded Warrior tries to find peace with the deaths of his battle buddies as he recovers from the physical and emotional wounds of a devastating IED. With the help of his sergeant and best friend, they work through the loss of his leg as well as his three friends, in an inspiring story of courage, personal discovery and redemption that concludes with the knowledge that his sergeant died saving his life on the battlefield.
USMC Corporal Sean Nichols is wounded in a devastating ambush that takes the lives of his three friends and leaves him an amputee. If not for the heroism of his sergeant, Deke Tilman, who pulled him out of the road, Sean would have surely died with his fire team. With the help of Deke, Sean now embarks on his next two missions—recuperate from his serious injuries, and visit the families of his fallen comrades. After this difficult journey, the two of them make their final trip to Arlington National Cemetery together to pay their last respects. It is here, as they say their final farewells, that we see the last headstone—that of fallen hero Sergeant Deacon Tilman.
Battle Scars is a thought provoking drama with compelling characters that illustrates the resiliency and strength of the human spirit, the power of love and friendship, and the ability to overcome even our darkest moments. Combining nonlinear narrative and original storytelling, Battle Scars inspires us with a surprising tale of heroism and great sacrifice made by our modern war fighters.
This is The 6th Sense meets Generation Kill. An inspirational story of loss and personal redemption that combines drama against a war / military background. As you cheer for our hero, you begin to realize that perhaps all is not as it seems...
BATTLE SCARS commentary from those who have been there:
"This book is a gut check for those who have worn the cloth of the nation. For those who have not it is a testimonial for those who have served and sacrificed. As American s we are blessed with freedom. It comes at a price."
James E. Livingston
Major General USMC (Ret)
Medal of Honor Recipient
"This book was a tough read, and at the same time I couldn't put it down. Salkin got this one right! Every now and again you come across a book that is as much cathartic as it is entertaining. At a time when we are losing way too many Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines, it struck a chord with this Old Soldier."
COL William L. Peace, Sr.
U.S. Army National Guard
“David Salkin has fired at close range and with unerring accuracy with this tale! He takes a tough situation that is all-too-often neglected and gives it life. This story is for all veterans and their supporters. His first-person writing style makes the reader feel present throughout the story. It's a quick read that will leave you thinking long after completion. I most strongly recommend it to all who are interested in understanding better the true costs of America's conflicts—past, present, and future. "
Major General GT Garrett, USA (Ret)
42nd Infantry Division
“Dave hit the nail on the head with this one. It’s a quick read simply because you don’t want to stop turning the page. This may be fiction but it certainly doesn’t read that way.”
Neil T. Roeder, LTC, MS USAR
“David Salkin’s story is a must-read for all Veterans and supporters. This book not only entertains you, it educates you on the price paid by those who have the guts to walk the walk. His first-person writing takes you on a ride which seems to bring out all emotions and it also places you right on the battlefield. Maybe it’s just my love of heroic deeds but it sure knocked me on my knees. The read is overall life-like and is very consistent with the actions taking place every day in Iraq and Afghanistan. Kudos to Dave for really knocking this one out of the park”
Christian S. DiMeo (Ret) SFC.
USMC / Embassy Marine Cairo/Beirut/Geneva - ARMY NG / Operation Enduring Freedom
“Battle Scars” hits like an RPG! Cameraderie, adrenalin, fear, loss, hope and redemption all in one exhilarating and disturbingly beautiful tale. Hard to believe David hasn’t been on the battlefield, because this tale rocked me back for days! A must read for everyone who is, has been, or supports our warriors!
Wayne Emery CPT, USA Military Assistance Command Vietnam, I Corps
Team Leader, Advisory Team 1 and Advisory Team 3