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A vortex of corruption and murder entrains a trio of daring journalists when they uncover an international arms trafficking conspiracy - directed by the White House - that morphs into the notorious Iran-Contra Affair.
Per Black List eval: "Striking from the very first page, with so many moving parts - numerous leading characters, political conflicts, interpersonal dramas, and escalating action - it’s commendable that this keeps its mystery front and center. There’s no way to disengage from this rollercoaster. This is an unrivaled fusion of mystery-suspense-thriller seamlessly blending the addictive discursiveness of newspaper films with high-octane noir; Oliver Stone if he had Ernest Hemingway scripting for him. The Last Good Kiss is a loaded political thriller following at least three plot-lines and movingly, nimbly alternating between thrills, entertainment, wordplay, and literary-prize-worthy attention to emotional depth - a slow unveiling of a Nicaraguan Oedipal flashback, the murder/torture of a journalist, and a woman's martyrdom story related to a father and duty. That it juggles these plots in a varying roller coaster of Hollywood luridness and deep pain makes this full storytelling with intrepid, shrewdly intelligent protagonists that have full arcs that fuse classical noir and cutting edge storytelling in perfect balance. It seems primed for a prestige market and a creative team with pedigree. Style oozes through clear visual beats, plotting is precise, dialogue is most prestigious. THE YEAR OF LIVING DANGEROUSLY meets TINKER TAILOR SOLDIER SPY meets CHINATOWN, though even with its sensational action-thriller elements, it is more discursive in its purpose than any of the above mentioned films. It's easy to see this being an awards contender, with great roles for actors. Critical acclaim for the writing and sharp characters will have lasting importance and impact."