Gratitude for the connection request Tetyana. :)
Please do feel free should inspiration for co-creative collaboration 'touch upon your shoulder', to get in touch with me. <3
Gratitude for the connection request Tetyana. :)
Please do feel free should inspiration for co-creative collaboration 'touch upon your shoulder', to get in touch with me. <3
Are you connected? the T.V., Radio, &/or Newspaper/Magazine industries? I am a wellness expert, providing guidance for nearly 2 decades both through personal sessions & calmunity playshops [workshops], as well as through the mediums of writing, radio and t.v. . I am looking to expand my re...
Expand postAre you connected? the T.V., Radio, &/or Newspaper/Magazine industries? I am a wellness expert, providing guidance for nearly 2 decades both through personal sessions & calmunity playshops [workshops], as well as through the mediums of writing, radio and t.v. . I am looking to expand my reach, and would love the opportunity to host a new t.v. or radio talk show &/or write a guidance column. If you or someone you know is in any of the above industries, please consider//forward my information or your//their contact information to me. kiki emoticon For more Information:
Hey hey hey blissings this finds you all enJOYing a most LOVEly day. <3 My name is Roni Lipstein, I am an WHOLEistic Life Coach & Wisdom and Wellness enLIGHTenment GuideLight. I host 2 shows on BEingLOVE.TV, "Souls Talking Brain" and "Radiating LOVE with Roni Lipstein". We welcome collaborations, ex...
Expand postHey hey hey blissings this finds you all enJOYing a most LOVEly day. <3 My name is Roni Lipstein, I am an WHOLEistic Life Coach & Wisdom and Wellness enLIGHTenment GuideLight. I host 2 shows on BEingLOVE.TV, "Souls Talking Brain" and "Radiating LOVE with Roni Lipstein". We welcome collaborations, expansion, sponsorship, suggested guests and topics through I most sincerely look forward to hearing from you. <3 Blissedly BE Radiating LOVE Roni Lipstein
Hey Roni, thanks for the add. Keep me in mind for casting a middle aged man. Cheers!
Holidays, Vacation, Down Time, Quiet Time, REFLECTIVE, Contemplative, HEALING time..... Are YOU Ready to LOVE yOUR Self? to BE Happy? to feel GOOD about YOU & yOUR life and yOUR purpose here upon our Earth School???? Well then.......check out these AWEsome fabYOUlous Festive Gifts from Sanctuaire So...
Expand postHolidays, Vacation, Down Time, Quiet Time, REFLECTIVE, Contemplative, HEALING time..... Are YOU Ready to LOVE yOUR Self? to BE Happy? to feel GOOD about YOU & yOUR life and yOUR purpose here upon our Earth School???? Well then.......check out these AWEsome fabYOUlous Festive Gifts from Sanctuaire Soul's Sanctuary's BEing LOVE T.V.: ~❤~ Blissed Gifts of SELF LOVE from the Radiating LOVE Show: ~❤~ Blissed Gifts of SELF LOVE from the Souls Talking Brain Show: *YES*** YOU may gift this gift to another Earth Angel Divine whom YOU cherish and LOVE*** Remember to Share, Share, Share*** with everyone, everywhere*** Sharing IS Caring***
Hello Roni Thanks for connecting
would love it if you could like my page! thanks:) I have appeared at the Cannes Film Festival, Amsterdam Film Festival, New York Indian Film Fest and St Petersburg, I love to act and sing! if you become of anyone that needs a cute 9 yea...
Expand postwould love it if you could like my page! thanks:) I have appeared at the Cannes Film Festival, Amsterdam Film Festival, New York Indian Film Fest and St Petersburg, I love to act and sing! if you become of anyone that needs a cute 9 year old girl in their production let me know! thanks (AJ's Dad!) Here are a couple of links if you are interested in watching me! (me singing one of my fav songs) (me acting on the big screen seen at Cannes). I love performing on stage as well! I would love to LIKE your facebook page as well, let me know the link!:). I am based near Vancouver BC, but I can work in Canada or the UK without any extra papers!
Got 15-seconds? We have organized a Film Festival with the lowest possible barriers to participation. You might find it fun to enter or perhaps help us spread the word. Very easy to enter; strictly non-profit. No fees or stuffy rules. $16,000 of prizes. Lowell...
Expand postGot 15-seconds? We have organized a Film Festival with the lowest possible barriers to participation. You might find it fun to enter or perhaps help us spread the word. Very easy to enter; strictly non-profit. No fees or stuffy rules. $16,000 of prizes. Lowell
I'm a Filmmaker, Photographer, Digi-Artist who heads the Production company VERVE IMAGE in Toronto, Canada. As I'm new to stage32, just wanted to say 'Hello' to you all.
Back atcha :D Thanks for the invite to connect. Looking forward to co-creatively collaborating fabYOUlousness for the BEnefit of ALL. BLISSedly BE Roni*
Hey Roni - fellow creative - keep on Creating !
Ummmmm have YOU checked out and shared the BlissFull Gifts of Joy, Pondering Play and LOVE with ALL YOU KNOW? Do* DO* Doobie Do DO*** :D
Hi Roni. I'm RB, co-founder and CEO of Stage 32. I know first-hand the challenges all creatives face finding work and attracting attention to their projects. That's why we created Stage 32. Our members run the gamut from film students to award winners. The community is now 50,000+ members strong spanning 175+ countries. This is a network for you, built by you. Like most things in life, the more you participate, the greater the rewards. We ask all new members to help us spread the word through other social media such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. We also ask that you help strengthen the c...
Expand postHi Roni. I'm RB, co-founder and CEO of Stage 32. I know first-hand the challenges all creatives face finding work and attracting attention to their projects. That's why we created Stage 32. Our members run the gamut from film students to award winners. The community is now 50,000+ members strong spanning 175+ countries. This is a network for you, built by you. Like most things in life, the more you participate, the greater the rewards. We ask all new members to help us spread the word through other social media such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. We also ask that you help strengthen the community by inviting at least 5 fellow creatives. Check out Invite friends to Stage 32 on the upper right side of your profile. Thanks for being a part of this most talented and inspiring community. PS - Be sure to check us out on Facebook and follow us on Twitter at @Stage32online.
Hey Roni, I'm the CTO and lead developer at Please let me know if you have any questions or feedback about the site. I'd love to hear your comments!
Hi Roni;
It's a pleasure to meet you also. I just finished a screenplay which is a romantic drama with elements of fantasy. The first 12 pages of it can be seen on my profile, if you wish to see it.
All the best,