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By Mark A. Nedorostek

GENRE: Adventure

What My first international date looked like when I was 50+ years old.

It must have worked, she's still with me after 20 years.


…I woke up today thinking about precisely my time in St Lucia.

This was my first attempt at a date with my now wife of give or take 20 years.

Never in my wildest dreams did I know a place like this existed?

The most beautiful flower-filled rain forest, Scuba diving in the clearest water I’ve placed my eyes on.

I tossed a quarter overboard and could see it 40 feet below on the floor of the ocean. Even at the depth of 60 feet, My view was as clear as looking through the air on a sunny day!

That evening, Walking to the beach and looking up a Lear jet came swooping in like a kid on a dirt bike. Shortly after, a very well-tanned man and about 5 or 6 men, oh let me not forget, a very well-maintained female, arrives. These people walked in front of us and the energy that surrounded them was enormous. I was lost for words. No idea who they were and never saw them again.

Back to why we had front-row seats on the beach. A steel band was performing and they were amazing!

Next, I was impressed by How clean the landscaping was and was fortunate to meet a polite man whose job was to clean the flower peddles from my morning walk to the ocean. Morso was the fact I bumped into this man only once or twice in a 7-day stay and on the last morning he wished the both of us a safe travel home and remembered us by name. Unbelievable!

At first, when we arrived we took a van ride with the best AC on the planet

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