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By Mark A. Nedorostek

GENRE: Adventure, Biography



From Connecticut to Tucson AZ, Starting a new life Driving Coast to Coast Tractor-Trailers only to locate Love and a lost Gold Mine ! Life takes an Unexpected Wild turn !!!



>> ***


>> Chapter 1


>> Going to Tucson


>> The Bum Steer Saloon


>> The Girls from the Zoo


>> 'Nam Vet roommate


>> Living with a librarian/fire jumper/science fiction junkie


>> The Storyteller / Gold Prospector


>> Searching for ancient Gold mines


>> Sleeping with a 45 peacemaker 15 miles in the mountains


>> Finding virgin Gold


>> The armed Gate in the middle of the Desert


>> Meeting the Mine Worker at unemployment


>> Chapter 2


>> Helping the Mexican


>> Meeting the "Cousins"


>> Living with a Coyote


>> Falling in love with the sister in-law


>> Looking for the job that will keep us together


>> The Last Kiss


>> Chapter 3 (8 months into this trip, Time to go)


>> North to Alaska


>> West through Yuma, LA Head North


>> California, Oregon, Washington State


>> Many Miles / The Forest Fire


>> Beautiful BC


>> Chapter 4


>> The Yukon Territory


>> Driving the Alcan 1520 miles of Dirt Road


>> The unexpected rest stop


>> The excellent soak in the wilderness Hot springs


>> 100 miles in the bush, Necked, and we have unexpected guests


>> The 8' Wolf


>> Silver Springs


>> The abandoned log cabin


>> The Model T in mint condition inside


>> Dawson, Yukon Territory


>> Peeing in the Yukon River


>> Chapter 5 The Top of The World Highway


>> Entering TOK ALASKA


>> Arriving in Chugiak AK


>> Learning a New reason to live


>> Alyeska Pipeline


>> Parting Ways in Fairbanks


>> Running into my home town friends


>> 357 magnum/ Normal


>> Living with Mrs "D" and her 4 Boys


>> Prospector from Tucson Arrives


>> 2 10th grade Busloads of kids Find COLOR in Mine Tailings


>> Beard comes off / 3 things you have to do to be a sourdough


>> Earn the right to wear a Beard


>> Hitchhiking 80 miles a day looking for work


>> The Polish Tavern / Moose on a spit / FREE


>> Chapter 6 Finally Work!


>> 19 hours Daylight


>> 10 Hrs Work, 10 Play, 4Hr Sleep


>> Carpentry, Chainsaw, Bulldozer


>> Building a road in the Tundra


>> Mr Prescott's Friend


>> More Gold than you have ever imagined!


>> Chapter 7


>> $20 short - 1 Year and 2 months


>> Time to Go


>> The Jet Home


>> My Uncles Tavern in Connecticut


>> A Beer and a Story...


>> This is the first Book in a series of 6+ / 40 years of travel looking for

>> America


>> Other Books include " Off to Key West an the 5.02 carrot Diamond"


>> " Going to Sparks Nevada"


>> " Riding Horses in Ensenada Mexico"


>> " The Hidden Dark side for a select few on both sides of the Fence"


>> The Names have been changed to protect the purity of everyone.


>> Mark A. Nedorostek

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