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By Rutger Oosterhoff

GENRE: Crime

Early 20th century. To end the bloody war between the two biggest Five Points gangs, Paul Kelly must fight Monk Eastman in a boxing match, with the winner taking the disputed territory.


-- True SYORY SETUP for a novel and/or screenplay to movie, called "Five Points".

-- Marketing tool: The title "Five Points" refers to the popular movie "Gangs of New York." But there is no copyright infringement because the title just descripes a PLACE IN HISTORY, BEING 'FIVE POINTS.'

-- Because this is a tweaked version of wiki knowledge people can simply look up on the Internet, it ISN'T MY STORY. But it IS a story that should be told!

-- I'll be happy with a title as " Associate Producer".

Address info:

Dr. Rutger Oosterhoff

't Shaar 1261MP BLaricum


The Netherlands

Tel: +31(06)24763590


The story in a nutshell:


A boat arriving at New York harbor. 


Around 1870, the United States faces an immigration wave that consists mainly of Italian, Irish, and Jewish immigrants. They believe in the American Dream, but find nothing but poverty in dilapidated neighborhoods like Five Points. Soon among Irish immigrants come street gangs like the Whyos, which brake up and disappear as the already existing street gangs Dead Rabbits and the Plug Uglies. The Irish street gangs then fight against Jewish street gangs like the Monk Eastman Gang to win territory, but especially the Italian immigrants are the victims. 


A Sicilian immigrant named Paolo Antonio Vaccareli - a.k.a Paul Kelly - starts his own street gang which he names after the neighborhood in which he lives, "Five Points." 

Kelly: "I will RULE New York with blood".

Soon after Kelly establishment of the Five Points Gang, a new member joins, Johnny Torrio, who becomes the second man in no time. Kelly and Torrio recruit the most violent members of various street gangs from all over New York. The very violent Al Capone is removed from the James Street Gang. Pretty soon the Five Points Gang is known as the most violent street gang in the whole of America with approximately 1,500 members. During fighting with other street gangs, the Five Pointers always fight to death.

After the Five Points Gang is more organized, Kelly and one of his lieutenants, Frank Yale, find out that a lot of money can be made by supporting corrupt politicians. By intimidating voters and falsifying voting lists, the gang helps corrupt politicians at the top.


SUPER: "1901"

A Five Pointer shoots Eastman in his belly. Eastman survives this attack and has one of his gang members shoot a Five Pointer, after which a war breaks out between the two gangs that gets his low in 1901.


SUPER "1903"

Kelly, Torrio, and about fifty other members of Five Points become involved in a gunfight with Monk Eastman and around fifty members of his gang. The police must withdraw because of the size of the gunfight, which lasts several hours, kills three people and injures a few dozen. 

After the gunfight ends, Monk Eastman is arrested, detained for several hours and then released. A corrupt judge acquits to him when Eastman claims that he was only a casual passer when the firefight broke out.

A senior New York politician decides that a solution is needed and organizes a conversation between Kelly and Eastman. At the end of the conversation, the two shake hands and the peace returns. But not for long, because less than two months later the war is in full swing again. 


Again a conversation between the two men is arranged.


On the appointed day, hundreds of Five Points members and the Eastman Gang gather at a warehouse in the Bronx. Eastman and Kelly fight for two hours to see who is the best fighter. (Kelly is a boxer in his younger years, but Eastman is a larger, wider man.)


At the end of the fight, both men fail to beat the other, making the match a draw so both men let their gang members know that they are still at war. Is there any hope left that "Kelly will RULE New York?"


In 1904 Monk Eastman is beaten unconscious by a policeman during a burglary. Eastman is subsequently convicted of this burglary and ends up in Sing Sing prison for ten years. His gang is then led by the second man of the gang in the Eastman era, called Max "Kid Twist" Zwerbach, but it is quickly shot by members of Five Points. After this murder the Eastman Gang falls apart and-- 


-- Kelly survives an attack, committed by two of his own lieutenants Biff Ellington and Razor Riley after a gunfight in one of his own nightclubs. He is hit three times and after his recovery, he withdraws from the gang.

Rutger Oosterhoff

That's because it is a true story. You could see it as the follow-up of "Gangs of New York".

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