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By Laura Carson

GENRE: Action, Comedy

A pathetic, overlooked biochemist inexplicably wakes up literally invisible and must use her unpredictable new power to step up and save the world from the weird science wielded by her unhinged boss.


Co-written with Krista Gano.

Dr. Pam Perdue has discovered a breakthrough technology that slows aging. PharmaTek’s C.O.O. Cooper Mansfield has been sabotaging Pam since they were kids, so she is never getting credit for her work. She’s always been overlooked and has given up even trying to shine. One day, Pam wakes up invisible and her bestie Brandon takes her through a “training day” series of tests to help her understand her new power. She heads back to work armed with a bag full of Butterfingers (she can’t control her powers if she is hungry) but soon senses something is amiss. Cooper has weaponized Pam’s research and has created a virus called Veteris that makes people rapidly age. Only the pricey PharmaTek drug Prevento will keep people from dying and Cooper will make a “killing.”

Cooper’s genius brother, Calvin, has had a crush on Pam since they were kids. He asks her out but they return to discover Cooper’s evil plot. They formulate a plan with Brandon to get more information but are captured and must dodge a diabolical robot arm. They are saved by Toddler Morris, the lab intern Cooper was experimenting on. Now free, the team must head to the PUS Conference to stop her. Pam and Cooper come head to head and hash out old childhood rivalries. Once Pam realizes the pill-shaped disco ball above the crowd is armed with a Veteris bomb, she swings through the rafters to ride it like a bucking bronco. She saves everyone from the virus except Cooper’s love interest. An enraged Cooper stabs Pam with a syringe full of Prevento and escapes to the roof of PharmaTek leaving Pam in a coma.

Calvin goes to confront his sister who is launching her Plan B, an army of drones ready to spread the virus. Pam wakes up and she and her unlikely squad head to the roof. Pam stabs Cooper with her own syringe of Prevento and Cooper regresses to a baby complete with teenage temper tantrums along the way. Baby Cooper still launches the drones but Pam now has the power to move objects with her mind (thanks super dose of Prevento!) and saves the day. Pam and Calvin are now running PharmaTek with a new mission of compassion. As our story ends, Pam’s long lost mother appears and we realize that she’s invisible too.

Hmmm... sounds like a sequel.

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