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By Fonda J Kerr

GENRE: Thriller, Crime

Noah was captured he doesn't know where he is or why he was taken. All he does know is that the group of sadistic killers has something sinister planned.


Children have been disappearing from all over the world for years they just vanish and no one ever finds them. What if you could discover what happens to them from the victims point of view experience everything first hand as Noah evolves into something more!


From my book Captured! (Comments are welcome.)

My name is Noah I will be 16 In a couple of days. I don't know where I am. all I see is darkness. There is something over my head covering my face. I hear strange voices and smell something I don't recognize. I hear people but I am not sure what they are talking about. I can't make out words. Everything is kinda hazy. I don't remember anything but my parents arguing with me. After that everything is gone.

I can't move my hands because they are bound behind my back by something. Someone is holding me by the arm rather roughly. I am scared to move, speak or breath. Until the dark shroud fell away from my face and I was blinded by a brightness I had never experienced before. Suddenly someone is fastening something hard and cold around my neck.

My eyes hurt but that didn't stop me from trying too see my surroundings even if I was squinting through the blinding light. I could make out figures in the distance, shadows dancing behind the illumination.

“Move” A man said I assumed he was talking to me because someone started pulling me in the direction of a wall of jail cells. I wasn't about to look behind me and find out who it was.I decided instead to focus on my environment. It looked like an abandoned prison I noticed when my eyes adjusted.

Every where I looked the cells were packed with teens there had to be at least fifty prisoners they couldn't be much older then me. The only difference between them was there appearance. Some where tall with an athletic build. Boys and Girls stood against cell doors eying me up in down. Who could blame them I had always been tallish and skinny, our body structure looked nothing alike. I wanted to run my hand through my black hair but was unable to because my hands were still tied behind me.

I looked around the area unsure what to say or where they were taking me. I saw a couple of young adults in front of me. One looked to be a young male no more then 20 if that. He looked hard like he knew pain and was not afraid to show me the same, his stair sent a chill down my spine. I didn't notice anything but his Cold gray eyes until he put his hand out in front of me with a smile on his face. He had brown hair and a lot of muscles. He wore a black tank top, I could see scars all over his arms. His pants were black and red Camo. He was a little taller than me but not by much more then a couple inches.

“What are you looking at newbie?” He asked me.

I didn't know if I should answer or not, so I just kept quiet and continued to watch him as he glared at me in frustration. I must be in shock. I told myself silently unable to stop looking into his terrifying eyes. I was so mesmerized by them, that I didn't notice he hit me until I felt a pain in my stomach and tasted vomit in my mouth. I tried to fall to my knees but the iron grip on my arm held me in place.

“ You will answer me when I talk to you” The guy who hit me demanded.

The other Man walked up behind him and put his hand on the shoulder of the guy that punched me.

“Calm down Seth, he just got here.”

“Allen Butt out” He said hatefully.

He spoke gain.” He will learn like we all did” Seth gave me a small smile that I found creepy.

This Guy looked even worse then Seth. He had a scar across his left eye brow and dirty blond hair almost brown, dark blue eyes they were more intense then Seth's. He was short and stocky. I could tell he was not one to mess with. Either of them were in my opinion they reminded me of soldiers with the way they stood and acted. I used to love those type of movies when I was younger.

The way they dressed and acted confirmed my suspicions. I didn't notice they were wearing the same clothes until Allen Spoke again with authority.

“Take him to his compartment Ethan”

Seth seemed to like to take control “Take him to his cage.” Seth looked at me and smiled sadistically before turning his back to me to talk to Allen.

“Come on” I heard the man behind me speaking he sounded no older than the others. He seemed to like to push and pull me in the direction of the metal door that was open. I stood in front of the door frame with only a light in the room to show me where I would be staying. For a minute I thought I might be dreaming that I was trapped in a nightmare world I could not escape, at least I hoped it was a dream.

“Stay still” Ethan said in a threatening tone as he unfastened a long peace of plastic from around my wrists. I could see why Allen called it a compartment. all there was room for was a toilet and a bed maybe a sink.

“There are some rules I need to tell you.” Ethan turned me around. I was shocked that he had bright red hair that was buzzed cut. He was tall and stocky, with brown eyes. He also wore the black long sleeved shirt and red and black camos.

“Rule are important here. He said to me I couldn't take my eyes off his face the scar that covered the side of his face a long line going from his forehead to his cheek

“If you don't follow them you will be punished.” He had a serious expression on his face. I couldn't take my eyes off his face the scar that covered the side of his face a long line going from his forehead to his cheek

I couldn't help but wonder what kind of punishment I would be subjected too if I decided to bend even one of the rules. Ethan must have sensed my curiosity because he glared at me and shook his head before saying.

“You will regret it if you do.” He lifted up his arm and showed a scar on his arm. It almost looked like a brand of some sort burned into his flesh. I all could think about was this was hell and I had been enlisted.

“I got this when I first got here.” He held it out like a badge of honor. “ He even smiled at me a little after glancing down to look at it. “Non abidance will be met with pain, remember that.

“So what are the rules?” I asked sounding like a mouse in a cat factory. What I wanted to ask was where I was and why I was here. For some reason I kept quiet. All I could think about was how much I wanted to go home.

“I was just about to get to that.” He put his arms behind his back and stood up strait as though someone of importance was walking toward him.

“The first rule is do not attempt to escape, there is no way out.” He pointed at a camera I didn't noticed was there. “They are always watching.” So be every careful what you do and say or you will regret it.”

“Rule number two Do not touch the collar around your neck.” He cleared his throat and touched his own. I didn't notice before now that he didn't have a one around his. I wanted to ask why he was just walking around guarding me when he had so much status.

He must have noticed what he was doing because he stopped and returned to his stance with his hands behind his back. I had to fight the urge to touch my new piece of jewelry. I couldn't help but feel like a dog in training.

“Once you prove yourself loyal it will be removed.” He looked straight in my eyes and nodded his head at me.

“Rule Three” Not doing what you are told will result in punishment. I could see in his eyes that was not a good thing. I thought I saw something resembling fear on his face. It was gone as soon as I blinked. His face returned back to the statue phase and made me question if I had imagined it.

“Tomorrow will be a busy day for you.” He smiled which freaked me out not because he had crooked teeth but because I could see something in his eyes, maybe it was pity.

I stood in front of the door unable to move again. “Off to bed soldier” He said in a meaner tone, and pushed me into the room before locking me in. There was a light above me and I was still hardly able to see my surroundings. I started to feel sick to my stomach, It was probably because I was scared.

I don't know what time I woke up but I was over the toilet I must have gotten sick last night. My mouth tasted like it was full of cotton. I stood and walked over to the sink noticing a small cup next to the faucet.

After I quenched my thirst I sat on the bed not sure what to do, I could hear screaming in the distance. I didn't want to think of why that person was screaming, I covered my ears with my pillow, closed my eyes and pretended I was at home in my room.

I was viciously pulled out of my fantasy bring me back to where I was. Seth stood in front of me smiling after kicking me awake. “Time to rise and shine sweetheart.” his voice sounded evil. That is the only word that would come to mind.

My first instinct was to run away it always worked in school when ever anyone would try to bully me by giving me dead arms when I least expected it. I would always run and hide somewhere until the bell rang letting me know it was safe for me to come out from my safe place.

I soon realized there was no where to run and hide. He was blocking the door purposely standing in the way of my escape. “Get dressed loser.” He said as he threw some clothes my way. They look like a duplicate of what he was wearing. Him and everyone else I soon realized when I was brought to a room that reminded me a lot of my P.E. gym. The walls were white there was a circle in the middle of the room that was black, in the middle was some sort of symbol I had never seen before.

A man with green crazy eyes looked at me like I was his enemy and pointed in my direction. He was much older and was wearing a camo suit, Green and black. His dark hair with strikes of gray told me he was one of the captors. He was white and lanky but toned for a man his age, had a big nose that defined his face.

I guess this is how they keep track of rank here. I thought to myself as I was pushed from behind.

Too stand in front of another boy my age or so I guessed he was. He glared at me as I was forced in between him and some other kids. I looked around the room not moving from my place in line.

“Make a circle maggots.” Seth screamed and the man nodded in approval at him. I could see the pride on his face from being treated with the esteem he thought he deserved. The man in the middle of the room spoke.

“I am the Commander You will obey me.” He looked around the room. I noticed his eyes stopped on me, I could only assume some of the newly captured was getting a warning. I had a feeling they only told you once.

The Commander pulled out a knife as if whistling for his dog to come home. Seth walked willing to him holding his hand out in sacrifice. I didn't understand it at all why was he so obedient.

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