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By Bob Couttie

GENRE: Drama

To change who you are, you must accept who you are


Alex, late teens, born a girl girl who now identifies as a boy wants to come out but is fearful of his mother's and stepfather's response. Fearful of rejection, he uses social media to reach out to the estranged father he never knew, who now lives in Cambodia, far away from Alex's home in the US.

The father accepts Alex's new gender "Hey, I lost a daughter, but I gained a son" and is supportive, as they engage over social media, the father helps Alex, Alex helps the father gain some form of redemption.

What Alex doesn't know is that the father is dying of cancer in hospital.

Alex goes to Cambodia to meet the father, not aware, on arrival, that he died a couple of days before and funeral arrangements are underway.

Alex meets the father's Cambodian partner, Chiva, until now hidden from Alex, who is a beautiful Cambodian transgender, the two bond, gain from each other, grieve together, Their relationship become one of brother and sister, Alex the brother and Chiva the sister.

Chiva also teaches Alex to face with through acceptance..

Alex returns home, having gained courage to come out, and acceptance of whatever happens next.

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