Thanks so much for your vision!
Hi there! My name is Daniel Buhr and iam a ambition and serious composer living in Sweden,and who want establish a network with people in the film/media business all around the world. For the last year I have try to establish connection and tried to write as much music as possible to learn and devel...
Expand postHi there! My name is Daniel Buhr and iam a ambition and serious composer living in Sweden,and who want establish a network with people in the film/media business all around the world. For the last year I have try to establish connection and tried to write as much music as possible to learn and develop my music in any types of film and genre's .... So if you are in need of my service please feel free to give me a call or drop me a email for further contact. I could write music for your feature film,short,documentary,information film,commercial and other costume write songs. Please visit my website for more information and listen to some works that I've done. I really hope we get in touch and work together sometime,otherwise i wish you luck with all your project and thank your taking the time and read this. Sincerely , db-Music Daniel Buhr +46736412825 Skype: danielcompositor
Got 15-seconds? We have organized a Film Festival with the lowest possible barriers to participation. You might find it fun to enter or perhaps help us spread the word. Very easy to enter; strictly non-profit. No fees or stuffy rules. $16,000 of prizes. Lowell...
Expand postGot 15-seconds? We have organized a Film Festival with the lowest possible barriers to participation. You might find it fun to enter or perhaps help us spread the word. Very easy to enter; strictly non-profit. No fees or stuffy rules. $16,000 of prizes. Lowell
Hey pam, I'm the CTO and lead developer at Please let me know if you have any questions or feedback about the site. I'd love to hear your comments!
Hi pam. I'm RB, co-founder and CEO of Stage 32. I know first-hand the challenges all creatives face finding work and attracting attention to their projects. That's why we created Stage 32. Our members run the gamut from film students to award winners. The community is now 50,000+ members strong spanning 175+ countries. This is a network for you, built by you. Like most things in life, the more you participate, the greater the rewards. We ask all new members to help us spread the word through other social media such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. We also ask that you help strengthen the co...
Expand postHi pam. I'm RB, co-founder and CEO of Stage 32. I know first-hand the challenges all creatives face finding work and attracting attention to their projects. That's why we created Stage 32. Our members run the gamut from film students to award winners. The community is now 50,000+ members strong spanning 175+ countries. This is a network for you, built by you. Like most things in life, the more you participate, the greater the rewards. We ask all new members to help us spread the word through other social media such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. We also ask that you help strengthen the community by inviting at least 5 fellow creatives. Check out Invite friends to Stage 32 on the upper right side of your profile. Thanks for being a part of this most talented and inspiring community. PS - Be sure to check us out on Facebook and follow us on Twitter at @Stage32online.
How many of you have thought of just giving up? Giving up on the dream of making it? Give up on acting and writing and directing and just accept a menial job or a every day common place job where you can make just enough money to get by every month. I'm sad to say that I'm on the verge of giving up,...
Expand postHow many of you have thought of just giving up? Giving up on the dream of making it? Give up on acting and writing and directing and just accept a menial job or a every day common place job where you can make just enough money to get by every month. I'm sad to say that I'm on the verge of giving up, I don't make as much money as I spend per month and I have no opportunity in FL to try and get out of the menial job I have. I want to make movies and finish my feature, I also want to act... But I feel trapped, trapped like a rat by society's social norm... Any advice?
You have to be a failure first before you can succeed. Nobody in this industry is failure free it's all part of the journey. Imagine getting the part....only to find out the movie lost budget, imagine...
Expand commentYou have to be a failure first before you can succeed. Nobody in this industry is failure free it's all part of the journey. Imagine getting the part....only to find out the movie lost budget, imagine your pilot is sold but then gets dropped after the first season, imagine being nominated for best actor and not winning. I imagine with every success story their is a much bigger story of failures. Have faith, believe in yourself and never give up.
I absolutely agree with you on that score
I went to film school shortly after high school. I worked a series of horrible jobs, barely scrape by, constantly teeter on the edge of losing everything. I'm 36 now and just started writing again abo...
Expand commentI went to film school shortly after high school. I worked a series of horrible jobs, barely scrape by, constantly teeter on the edge of losing everything. I'm 36 now and just started writing again about a year ago. I am determined to do something with it. I'm constantly frustrated but it is what I have always wanted to do. No more putting my dreams, hopes, and desires on the back burner. I have never been happy doing what I had to. I want to do what I want. If it's your desire then don't give it up. Even if you never make it you can at least say you gave it your all.
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Thank you for being a part of the movement, Pam...More to come!