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A charming, witty stripper embraces her own notoriety and a smart platform to defeat highly partisan opponents for governor, only to discover that the reckoning continues after the polls close.
Jessica's parents die before she graduates high school, leaving her struggling to make her way through college. A friend introduces her to stripping as a means of survival, but sweet and smart Jessica is truly a fish out of water in the rabbit's hole she finds herself in. She analyzes the types of girls who strip, the kinds of guys who are customers, and the crazy fetishes she encounters. Moving on to a job in state government, she draws many parallels between strip club denizens and politicos. She decides to run for governor, but instead of hiding her skeleton in the closet, she puts in on parade. With a campaign slogan, "Vote with both heads," and several campaign stunts, her notoriety gets her the free coverage and her anti-partisan message draws in the voters. Once elected she is dismayed that she is still treated as a stripper. In an end-of-session negotiating session, a senator gets her alone, taunts her, and asks for a lap dance. She spike a statute book in his balls and has an ensuing accident that brings her to surprise crossroads. She decides to resign from governor, promising to return someday but only after earning it the right way.