Luis Dazara: .

Jeff White

Thanks for the invite into your network, Luis. It's much appreciated.

Luis Dazara

Finally this weekend gonna do my best to write most of my script, the biggest, for me. hope soon I can share it

Percy Grate

Hi nice 2 meet u stay in touch & best wishes. PS Music Sweeps Globe

Luis Dazara

now that got a job is more hard to find time to write but for lucky got the treatment all ready to start the writing, one do comedy the other the thriller the other the epic, haha. by the way last night saw shutter island never saw it before love it, I think scorsese did it thinking in caligari a little.

Luis Dazara

Hi, having trouble with internet so gonna check only twice a week, fuck but well. the good news find a really good job, so finally have money, cuz i was in big trouble with that, so yeah, am feeling that am in the best to write really great scripts, witch am working so.

Screenwriter in Buenos Aires. Hi to all.

Am a screenwriter, I live in Buenos Aires. I studied cinema, filmed some shorts but screenwriting is my passion so I had write scripts for 6 years now, wrote a lots of independent drama stories and now that I become more professional, I start write big budget stories, right now am working in three s...

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Luis Dazara

yesterday meet friends of a new friend of mine and was so rare, say I am a screewnriter truing to seel and keep writing, and everybody keep in quite, looked and listen at me how I told the story of my scripts, feel so rare, they say how smart I was, how complex and interesting the stories are, so fe...

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Luis Dazara

Yesterday went to see The dark knight rises or "the deception", was just another good entretaiment movie, but not the quality of "the dark knight", looks like avatar, think a lot in XF, and not in the story. was retunr to batman begings in a cheap way, first anne, takes the movie in her shoulders, c...

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Luis Dazara

Gonna give another deep revision to my scripts, english is not my first language and I don´t wanna ruin all cuz a bad translation, many people that had read my scripts love it andtold how talent I am, dont wanna pass like a dumb to producers or others and waste all what I worked for a silly translat...

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Luis Dazara

Hi, first thanks to all that join my network, gonna try to share and keep in touch with all of you. Am happy last Monday while I was in the subway to a job interview write the entire treatment of my new comedy, so great cuz I can focus in my big budget scripts that hope end by the end of the month.

What producers want

so this week, send queries and the answer of two was your scripts are of a high concept and big budget, so I dont understand, of course got a lot of low budget but if I put every single synopsis in my query is gonna be long, so I put the best.

What producers want?

so this week, send queries and the answer of two was your scripts are of a high concept and big budget, so I dont understand, of course got a lot of low budget but if I put every single synopsis in my query is gonna be long, so I put the best.

Find Talent Managers

Hi so I read that many said that better find a Talent Manager than a Agent to sell your script, make yourself know, but how you approch to one, there are emails? lists? how they work?

Luis Dazara

Thank you for your advice.

Marcello Aurelio Lanfranchi

I recently came across this article, and it made me rethink plans to find an agent (though I'm still considering it).

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Luis Dazara

Hi, is nice to find another screenwriter of our country. How are you?, paresco tonto hablando en ingles es la costumbre.

Luis Dazara

and there is another script that I will share, just need to end the translation, is call "Celine", I wrote it inspired in the films os Jean Pierre Jeunet, is a fantasy comedy.

GENRE: Crime, Thriller
LOGLINE: how the productions companies deal with the censure in the ´40.
GENRE: Comedy, Romance
LOGLINE: a screenwriter will do anything to get inspired again.
Luis Dazara

Hey, I invite you to join to my network, soon gonna end my biggest script so far "CA", and who knows.Got many scripts to share, will love that you read it, tell what you think or if you wanna start a project together.

Luis's network

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