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By Jon Griffin

GENRE: Animation

It's a dog eat dog world in New York City...literally.


Sam, a Saint Bernard, who lives in a house in Queens, meets Connie, a female collie, who has a crush on him. They both go to see Don, a Dalmatian who lives in a house in Greenwich Village and are friends of Sam and Connie's when they went to the same obedience school when they were puppies. He has been watching and episode of "Paw And Order: Special Canines Unit" on his television. Don is a film and television buff. Then, the three canines go see Mario, a chihuahua who lives in a house in Queens, hitting on a female collie, who turns him down cold. Then, they go to an apartment building on Park Avenue and go see Kiki, a French poodle, who is also a canine model who speaks in a French accent. Then, they go meet Gary, a greyhound, who lives in a house in Brooklyn. He also speaks in rhyme. Then, they go see Paula, a pointer who lives in a house in Flushing, Queens, who speaks in a New York accent and Ms. Dixie, a Pomeranian who lives in a house somewhere in Queens and she speaks in a Southern accent. Paula and Ms. Dixie are on Paula's porch and having a discussion about their lives. Then, the eight canines go and see Theresa, an Old English Sheepdog, who speaks in a British accent, who also has a self esteem problem about her size. Connie tells Sam that she wants to go and talk to her. Sam agrees. When Connie goes to the front door of Theresa's home, she scratches on the door and Theresa tells Connie to come in. When Connie enters the house, she and Theresa have a talk about why Theresa feels so bad about herself and her size. Connie finds out that Theresa was teased about her size when she was a puppy back in England and when she moved to New York, she thought that the teasing and the name calling would stop, but it didn't. So, to make Theresa feel better, she tells her fellow canine that she was eased when she was a puppy when she went to obedience school and was called a "nerd" when she opted to do the tricks that the teacher taught her instead of clowning around with the popular canines. Upon hearing the story, Theresa feels better about herself and comes out of isolation and faces her friends outside. Then, the nine canines go to Manhattan to the Scratch and Shed, a bar for canines that serves water, and visit O'Toole, a Scottish terrier who speaks in a Scottish accent. Sam goes into the bar and finds O'Toole going over his inventory in the back.

Meanwhile, somewhere in The Lower East Side, a group of canines, another Saint Bernard named, Sal, a mastiff known as Mac, a Dalmatian known as Damon, and a female collie named Toots, who bears a striking resemblance to Connie with the exception of the flower behind the fur in her right ear (Connie has a flower in the fur behind her left ear). They are members of the canine mob and they are planning to take over another part of New York. They finally settle on Manhattan.

Back with the ten canine friends, they go to Central Park and walk through it and watching canines of all breeds walk through the park and have fun. Just then, Mario sees Toots and decides to go and ask her out, not knowing that she is Sal's girlfriend. Toots and Mario leave the park, leaving Mario's friends shocked and surprised. As Mario and Toots walk back to The Lower East Side, Mario asks Toots if he can visit her family and sweetly, Toots agrees. When they get to Sal's house, Toots tells him that she met a canine on her trip to Central Park. Sal, wondering what Toots meant, tells her to show the canine in. When she calls Mario's name, he comes into the house. Sal tells Mac and Damon to follow his lead and Sal tells Mario that he would love it if Mario joined him and his gang in a job that takes place in Manhattan. Mario, not knowing that Sal and the rest of the canines are mobsters, agrees without much thought. Then, Mario and the canines go to Manhattan to put the plan in action.

Meanwhile, the nine canines wonder if Mario is okay. Just then, two canines from the FBI, Special Agent Cleo, a female collie, and Special Agent Daryll, a Dalmatian, who speaks in a British accent, tells the nine canines that trouble is about to come to Manhattan. Concerned, they ask what the trouble is and the canine agents tell them that Sal, a tough canine mobster, is planning to take over Manhattan. The canine agents show them pictures of Sal, Mac, Damon and Toots and gives a backstory about each canine. Connie looks at the photo of Toots and realizes that she looks just like her. Kiki tells the agents that their friend Mario has gone out with Toots. Upon hearing this, the agents tell Kiki and the others that Mario might be in big trouble as far as Sal and his boys are concerned, because they are known to kill canines who don't cooperate with them and give examples of what they did in their past. Then, Special Agent Daryll hires Don, Gary, Sam and Connie to be a fake mob gang for Manhattan so they can capture Sal and his boys and return Toots to her loving parents. The nine canines find out that Toots was a runaway and joined Sal and his gang because she felt unloved. The canines that Special Agent Daryll hired agree to the plan. Then, Special Agent Daryll hires O'Toole and asks him if he owns a business. O'Toole tells him that he owns the Scratch and Shed. Darryll tells him to open the bar and wait for him and Cleo to get there. Then, Daryll tells Kiki, Paula, Ms. Dixie and Theresa to lay low while the plan is put into action. Then, Paula and the girls go to Theresa's house while the canine FBI members tell the faux mob members the plan.

Meanwhile in another part of Manhattan, Sal, Mac, Damon, Mario and Toots walk together and Sal tells Mario to go to every business and tell the canine owners that they should give him fifty dollars in dog biscuits or else they will be executed. As they look ahead, Sal and the gang see Sam and his gang walking toward them. Then, the two gangs look at each other in silence. Then, the silence is broken when Sal asks the other gang who they are. Sam tells Sal that he is the mob boss of a group of tough canines in Manhattan. This perturbs Mario, but he listens to the rest of the conversation in silence.

Meanwhile, at Theresa's house, Kiki, Paula, Ms. Dixie and Theresa herself wonder how their friends are doing and they also worry about Mario and his safety. Then, Theresa turns on the television and the news report pops up on the screen. They find out that Toots was a runaway and a canine reporter interviews two collies, a male and a female, who happen to be Toots' parents. They are distraught that Toots has run away and plead that she returns home because they miss her and love her. The story makes the girls concerned for Toots as well as Mario, because they feel that they are both innocent victims of Sal's evil ways.

Back to the two rival gangs, one which happens to be a fake, and they continue to look at each other. Connie asks Sam what Sal and his gang are doing on their turf. Mac answers her question by telling her that they are going to take over Manhattan. Don tells them that that won't be possible seeing that he and his gang have complete control over Manhattan and to prove it, Don suggests that Sal and his gang follow Sam and his gang to the Scratch and Shed because they have been extorting dog biscuits from the owner, namely O'Toole.

When they get to the Scratch and Shed, both canine gangs go inside and Sam calls O'Toole who comes out of the storage room checking on his inventory. Sam, pretending to be tough, asks O'Toole for his money. O'Toole, pretending to be afraid of Sam, tells him that business was slow and he doesn't have his payment. Sal enjoys the scenario and tells Sam to work him over. Just then, the agents from the FBI come out of the storage room and tell Sal and his gang that they are under arrest. As they are arrested, Mario feels betrayed and asks Toots if she was in on the scenario, Toots sadly admits that she was, but she really did love Mario. Then, the agents tell Toots to come with them so they can return her to her parents. Toots and Mario feel sad that they had to part company and Sam, Gary, Don and Connie try to comfort Mario as they all walk to Theresa's house to tell her and the girls about what happened.

At Theresa's house, Sam and the others join Theresa and the girls in the house. Theresa asked them how the plan went and Sam told them that Sal and his boys were arrested and sent to Sing-Sing in the canine wing and Toots was returned to her parents, but Mari has a broken heart. Just then, the ten canines hear a scratching on the door and Theresa tells the canine to come in. When she does, the ten canines find out that it is Toots! She tells them that she came to see Mario. She tells him that she is back with her parents and she came by to thank everyone for getting her out of Sal's gang and she was found innocent by the canine FBI. Then, Toots asks Mario if he forgives her for getting him involved in Sal's gang and of course, Mario not only forgives her, but he asks her out and Toots agreed, making Mario and his friends really happy. So, the eleven canines hang out at Theresa's house and have a little canine party to celebrate Toots' freedom and Mario's newfound love life with Toots.


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