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Tagline: Sometimes simple little white cat can save your life.
Main idea: President's loneliness looks like loneliness of ordinary persons.
With only one difference, it is the loneliness of man, who has taken the mission make millions of people
to be happy. Millions, who hate, millions, who love, millions, who pray daily and hourly for special person, who took the responsibility for the fates of a lot of people. But president must know, that there is always one of them, hate him and could shoot him in the heart by the gun.
And only the best friend is able to protect him from this shot, but sometimes
it may be simple little white cat.
Loglayn: Once the president of a small country, one of those, in which president is riding by bicycles, walking around streets and going easily to ordinary coffee-shop for breakfast, met an ordinary small white cat. The cat was fluffy and accidentally jumped on the table of president, because she wanted to eat. President gives his breakfast for cat, and cat had come with him for gates of presidential residence. President had no choice to put cat on territory of the presidential palace.
White cat began to participate in all events of palace, meet negotiations, give a cat's tips for president and strongly influence for president's life.
The president called cat - Esmeralda, and even began to wonder, whether Esmeralda was accompany him for all the social events. He feel the cat also almost like a real little cat, she comes for him in different images, as a little girl, because he has been divorced and had nobody, who could give him the right woman's advice with this strong idea: to raise the status of the simple cat and bring her closer for himself.
At night president came out later from residence, holding a white lump( cat Esmeralda) in the breast.
This evening he was released all the bodyguards, because he want to be free.
And ten minutes later, after his hasty walk with cat for cat's food, he meets the man,
who was throwing out his hand, and he was fired from the gun for president.
Very soon the bodyguards found him, he was bleeding on the pavement.
Fortunately whole president's way from his palace was equipped with videocameras, which was monitoring all his way to home. Bodyguards are running soon, but the ambulance found the president alive and well. But something was wrong, the bullet hit for the iron bowl of cat, which he hid in his bosom and the blood wasn't the blood of president, but cat's blood.
So little cat Esmeralda saved the life of President, and paid the price for his life with her own life.