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Inside the male dominated world of the Outlaw Motorcycle Club, families do exist. MAX (35) a tall slender red head with piercing green eyes is an ordinary women caught up in an extraordinary situation. She is the widow of the founder and late leader of the ABIGOR RIDERS MOTORCYCLE CLUB. She is the mother of 2 children, BOY (15) ERIN (7) she supports them as a tattooist at JOE'S TATTOO PALACE, that she co-owns with SETH (45) Joe's best friend and the current club president. She and her family live on a farm they share with her brother WORM (33) also an Abigor Rider, he lives in the bunkhouse outback and runs his bike building business from the big shed. After going on his first club run with BODEE (40) his Godfather, Boy wants to be president just like his dad was. Erin wants Boy to teach her to ride so she too can join the club . Boy, tells her "girls ain't allowed to join the bike club". Erin breaks her arm on the bike. CARMEN (65) Max's mother in law, disapproves of her lifestyle and holds Max responsible, telling her to take better care of the kids. When Worm and another club member HEMI (38) partner up in a bike building business Hemi, moves into the farm and months later a relationship develops between he and Max. The relationship between Boy and Hemi is fractured, he is conflicted with his loyalty to his fathers memory, and his instincts to protect his mum and her happiness. HOLLY(20) the girlfriend of an aggressive club nominee HUSS(25) an ISIS supporter, comes to get a "Property of Tattoo". Max says "There's no way in the world that I will brand any women the property of any man". When a disappointed Holly is leaving Max offers her a job. Max wants to modernise Joe's Tattoo Palace. Seth talks her into buying him out, and she mortgages the family home to do it. It takes longer then anticipated to get the Tattoo Palace open, and she risks losing the farm . Seth has commissioned Worm and Hemi to build him a V8 DRAG BIKE and pays for it up front. Hemi secretly gives his share of the money to Worm to bail Max out with the bank. Seth, sets up a mobile Meth lab and puts Huss on as his cook. But Huss and his mates are ripping him off to support their cause in the Middle East. Meanwhile, Seth’s drug use is rife and his conduct more erratic and dangerous. The Abigor Riders become even more concerned when he puts a knife to WEED'S (33) throat and they also witness him beat the life out of a stripper in the Clubhouse. On that night Cassie, one of the gutter girls an ageing beauty tries to seduce Hemi but he rejects her. The next morning when Hemi comes home Max, asks him if there is someone else, and he pulls an engagement ring out of his pocket, telling her that this was why he stayed in town. Max is surprised when Hemi tells her he wants to marry her and adopt the kids. Max discoverers Seth, has been deceiving her about the ownership of the Tattoo Palace and that Joe had bought him out, before he died. This, Seth's erratic behaviour and drug use causes an inter-club split, the majority of members go with Bodee and form the "HIGHWAY ROGUES" Seth, is crazy angry and declares war, he has his men doing drive byes, beatings, ram raids and bike thefts. Believing that she is fraternising with Weed, now a HIGHWAY ROUGE. Seth sets up Holly to be bashed into a coma. When Max picks up Holly's belongings she challenges Huss who denies having anything to do with the assault. Holly's bag falls onto the floor of the car, when Max picks it up she discovers a photo of her late husband JOE and a women holding a baby. Max finds the same photo in Joe's old trunk and makes the connection. After the hospital Holly, moves into the farm with Max's family and she and the grandparents are told the truth about Holly being Joe's daughter. Huss does a deal with the cops and tells them about Seth's Meth lab. Believing he was betrayed Seth, has Bodee ambushed and bashed by Huss and other club nominees, he hands a pistol to Huss who kills Bodee, when he hands the gun back to Seth, he too is shot in the temple. Max and family are distraught , Max gives Hemi an ultimatum, them or the club, he moves back to the club house. Boy, who is shattered over Bodee's murder and has since developed an admiration for Hemi is angry with Max for sending him away. He and his friend Josh rebel and gets into trouble with the police. Boy finally runs away to join Hemi at the Abigor Riders Clubhouse. Meanwhile Worm has told Max the truth about Hemi giving her the money to pay the bank and why neither of them can leave the club. When Hemi brings a very messy Boy home, Max tells him that she knows everything . He asks her if she will still marry him. She says only when he is no longer a club member. Hemi takes Max and the kids up to a place on the coast where he wants to build their new home. At a family day out at a drag meet Seth, fires a fatal shot killing a Highway Rouge, and It turns into a bloody massacre. Max, is left with a moral dilemma, when she sees Seth shoot Josh and has his gun trained on Boy. She takes Angry’s gun and shoots Seth. MAX insists that she, Hemi and Worm, bury the dead and collect their bikes from the massacre site. Worm and Hemi are the last two full patch members left and MAX wants the Abigor Riders club closed down and the assets sold and distributed among the dead members families. Max, sells Joe's Tattoo Palace and the farm and the family move to Hemi's place on the beach for a new life. This is a women's story about war, love, family, but mostly its about survival and strength. The outlaw biker fraternity and their families are held together by camaraderie, the love for a Harley Davidson, and the freedom of the ride, and it is built on rules of duty, honour, trust and loyalty, when those rules are broken, you know that you are IN BAD COMPANY,
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