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By Jackson Gary

GENRE: Drama

Three teenagers navigate depression and growing up in their own unique, yet similar ways.


The story has three points of views, alternating over the 8 chapters. Despite that, the film not only shows these central characters, but also their families and friends. The teenagers are unique - Bree, a 14-year-old girl. Quiet, but doing her best to be confident. She's bisexual, but does her best to remain closeted while still telling those who are close to her. James, a 15-year-old boy who doesn't have much to say. Eventually, he goes through a medical problem and ends up literally unable to speak, orally. And Nicky, Bree's sister. a kind boy, who maybe doesn't understand everything - and does his best to relate to what Bree is going through.

The story starts with James, as he figures out what's happening to him and undergoes surgery. Throughout the rest of the film, James does his best to stay happy, or content. He tries making friends online, he tries falling back on his old hobby of music... at one point, he even starts cutting.

We also follow Bree, quiet and sweet. Bree doesn't quite fit in. Not because of sexuality - just because she can't find her way. Sexuality is just piled on top for her, as a very scary thing. Bree eventually commits suicide, seeing no other way out. This puts her family in a tailspin, which leads us to Nicky...

Nicky is Bree's brother. Like any teenager, he has problems of his own. Common problems,. But his biggest is trying to understand Bree. And the guilt that came with her death. You see... she told him how she felt. And he tried to help, but... not enough. And now she's gone. And Nicky blames himself.

The themes are relevant in today's society. The things that teenagers go through - that adults tend to overlook - can be big things to them. And that's what this is about.

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