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By Simon Hartwell

GENRE: Romance, Drama

Lisa turns to the old fashioned traditional values of the 1950s to turn her life around, regain control and save her marriage but can they still work in today's world? 


Lisa and John's marriage is rapidly failing. Lisa is stressed by her job and John is struggling with her unpleasant attitude and lack of any intimacy between them.

Lisa accidentally stumbles upon Domestic Discipline whilst searching for mommy porn and begins to explore the lifestyle.

She reads all she can and joins a chat room.

Through the chat room Lisa interacts with others who are living the Domestic Discipline lifestyle and reads first hand accounts of life as a Taken In Hand wife.

Taking a day off work she sends John an email with her proposal, a suggestion to introduce Domestic Discipline within their marriage.

John accepts and they embark on a new, uncharted path in their relationship.

An unexpected change in her life is the control Lisa discovers within her working life, blunting the over bearing and bullying nature of her boss made possible by the freedom she has discovered.

Lisa continues her research into the Discipline sharing her thoughts and asking questions of the Chat Room community.

The relationship blossoms as they continue to include more of the lifestyle into their marriage.

But it's not without its challenges.

In the Chat Room, Lisa shares that her DD lifestyle is not going smoothly and questions his commitment to the lifestyle.

Frustrated, Lisa confronts John, who expresses doubts and concerns over the political correctness of their new relationship. She convinces him this is the right path for her, and he agrees to continue the experiment.

Lisa and John have another stumble in their relationship and Lisa teeters on the edge of ending her marriage.

Their love for each other is unquestionable, but is it enough to keep them together or will Lisa's desires see them part after all.

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