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By Simon Hartwell

GENRE: Family, Drama

A Faithful retelling of the much loved classic A Christmas Carol with Ebenezer as Prime Minister, showed the error of his isolationism policies and the harm it is doing to the people. 




Ebenezer strides from the Grand Hall in the chill and foggy air of London, England.

He stands next to a bust of his predecessor and friend, Prime Minister Jacob Marley.

The yellow fog and moaning wind appear to contort the busts features, as if his old friend’s face was moving.

Indeed, his very name seemed to carry on the air. “Ebenezerrrrrrrrr”

Ebenezer sees further strange images in the fog; shadows of people, an old box hearse drawn by horses thundered down the streets, but his Security see nothing.

Once in his car, he is further disturbed by his nephew, who leaps into the car after him, wishing him a Merry Christmas.

Ebenezer makes his feelings quite clear about Christmas and his Nephew leaves unable to convince him to accept an invitation to dinner.

His driver and personal aide, Bob Cratchit, asks for the following day off as it’s Christmas Day.

Walking to his office within No.10, Ebenezer sees two gentlemen waiting to see him.

Mr Matthews, the Minister for Housing and Mr Brown, the Minister for Employment.

Both seek extra funds so that they might provide for those families in need at Christmas time.

Ebenezer feels there is work to be found and that those too lazy should go without. If not for their wastrel ways, he would have had to fund the building of the Debtor’s Prisons.

Sitting within his bedroom, close to the fire, his TV screen flickers to life and a bell clangs.

The sounds of footsteps draw Ebenezer to the TV, as his old friend Jacob Marley appears.

Jacob warns Ebenezer of the dangers of continuing down his current path.

“Now that I am dead, I look back at the life I led and my deeds weigh heavy on my soul Ebenezer, very heavy indeed.”

“I can only imagine the weight of the deeds you now have after seven more years.”

Jacob says that three MI5 agents would visit him, one each evening over the next three days.

The first Agent; Mr Christopher Ast, arrives in the middle of the night to review Ebenezer’s Welfare and Reclamation Policies, and his youth, working for Mayor Fizziwig, his sister Fran and his girlfriend Belle.

The second Agent; Chris Resent shows Ebenezer the results of his policies.

He watches the poor and homeless crowd the alleyway behind the supermarkets to go through the bins, seeking out the food they have disposed off ahead of the Christmas break.

The Cratchit family had their meagre Christmas dinner. How happy they are despite having very little and his nephew and wife, socialising with friends.

He hears the scathing comments about his policies and him personally which cause him to think about the life he has led.

Last, he is taken to one of his Refuge Reclamation Yards and sees the pitiful state of the men and boys that work there. A state of affairs he had not wanted to know about, to remain ignorant of the realities of his policies.

The third Agent; Chris Uture shows Ebenezer his future.

He sees the family mourning the death of Tim; Bob’s son, who had cancer. Treatable had healthcare not been privatised and too costly for the poor.

Ebenezer listens to a group of conspirators as they meet in a pawn shop to discuss the death of someone important.

A man; only known as Guy The Undertaker, Ms Wright, the Laundress and Ms Percy the (new)Housekeeper report to Catesby the Pawn Shop Owner, their part in the assassination.

Ebenezer is aghast that they would talk about someone so disdainfully and begs the Agent to reveal the man lying in the bed, as smoke and heat came up through the floorboards.

The Agent shows him a graveyard, upon which bears but a single name.


Ebenezer wakes to find himself in his bedroom.

He feels wonderful, light, and happy.

Amazed and delighted it is Christmas Day. He wishes everyone he sees a Merry Christmas.

He asks the Housekeeper, Mrs Poulter’s son, if the Turkey is still hanging in the larder and whether his mum would be so kind as to cook it.

He phones Cratchit, inviting him and the family for dinner and promising changes, starting with Health benefits for him and his family and a wage rise.

He contacts his nephew, apologising for not being available for dinner that day, but was available the following day. His nephew is delighted and extends the invitation for dinner the following day.

He finds both Mr Matthews and Mr Brown hard at work and promises them both funds for their plans to improve the opportunities for the poor.

Ebenezer hands over his own credit card to pay accommodation fees for a family in need.

Grabbing his security, he rousts the local toyshop owner to open up and buys gifts and presents for the Cratchits and Mrs Poulter’s boy.

Ebenezer asked his Security Details about Agents, Ast, Uture and Resent and is told of a photo outside his office.

He goes to see and reads the inscription:

Mr Christopher P Ast, Christopher P Resent and Christopher F Uture.

Died in the line of duty 2015.

And as for Christmas, never was it said that Ebenezer Scrooge didn’t know how to celebrate, nor did he save it for just once a year, often calling out ‘CHRISTMAS!’ whenever he heard or saw something that reminded him of good cheer and happiness.

So I will end this Synopsis as I end the tale, with perhaps the most immortal of phrases;

God Bless us, Every One!

Nathaniel Baker

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