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By Simon Hartwell

GENRE: Horror, Mystery

Multi Millionaire Ebenezer is well on the path to achieve his greatest desire and descend to Hell, to live out his wildest fantasies only, much to the consternation of Jacob Marley, he meets Trisha, whose claim on his heart challenges their claim on his soul.


TONAL COMPS: The Cell. Hellraiser.

EBENEZER: Early 30s, born with Diphallia (two working penises), rich, good looking with a sexual desire for BDSM.

TINA: Early 30s, often referred to as Tiny Tina due to her large size. Warm, friendly, sexual. Ebenezer's closest friend since their school days.

BELLE: Early 30s, solicitor, married, dominant in both her business and personal life and once Mistress and lover of Ebenezer.

JACOB MARLEY: Late 60s– Friend and business partner, deceased, now in HELL and loving it.

TRISH: Late 20s, attractive, sweet, warm, friendly, confident, submissive


In a dimly lit basement, a woman awakens to find herself bent over a table as little more than a shadow as sex with her from behind. She struggles only to find nails have been driven through her breasts, pinning her to the table beneath. Her screams excite her assailant.

Her head is pulled back, a wickedly sharp knife is drawn over her throat, and in the throes of orgasmic bliss she slowly dies as she bleeds out. As her vision fades to black she sees his godhood, two long, thick phalluses jutting out proudly. An old Ebenezer strides out of the Grand Hall. Fog covers the city, casting a bust of his old friend and partner Jacob Marley in a sickly yellow light. The wind moans and Jacob's features distort and move, a single word carried within the unmoving fog - Ebenezerrrrrrrrrrr. Ebenezer blinks to find himself within his shower, water cascading down his hard, ripped body. Within the steam, images of men and women in tortured pain appear and disappear. One image more than the rest appears, that of Jacob Marley. Over the hiss of the water he hears his name called, soft, silky, seductive - Ebenezeeeeeer.


On the way home, Ebenezer sees Jacob's face once again, though Ebenezer knows his friend to be dead. He buried him. Remembering the funeral, he sees Jacob's spirit rise from his coffin as hooks fly from all directions, piercing his skin whilst beneath the floor opens to reveal the fiery pits of hell. Eager to be home, Ebenezer hurries his step and is soon within the comfort of his expensive five story townhouse. Descending to the basement, he enters to see a naked woman above a wooden beam, her hands chained above her head, the clanking of the gears and a cry of distress herald the torture as she is slowly lowered until her full weight rests between her thighs, pressed hard onto the beam.

Ebenezer removes her from her tortures, forces her to her knees and taking her from behind, both experiencing orgasm. Ebenezer sees within the darkness that edges his vision, men and women, his friends, engaging in acts of sexual depravity. A Demon begs him to send the woman to them and his hand reaches up to a knife he keeps fixed to a beam, looking into the upturned face of the woman. The voices encourage him to kill her, yet he relents, instead taking her into the shower and gently washing her.


Detectives Golding and Jeffers visit Ebenezer, asking about Julie Watkins. They show him photos of her dead body. Beyond the detectives, he can see Julie, hanging by her wrists, crying out in blissful pain as a whip curls around her, the tip kissing her left breast. Pressed, Ebenezer admits meeting Julie at his Gym, Scrooge Fitness and taking her home for the evening but not having seen her since. The Detectives leave convinced they have their man.

Ebenezer is visited by Jacob Marley. He tells of the delights of Hell, that Ebenezer is well on the path to damnation, and Demons would visit to show him the way. More murders and a missing person lead the Detectives back to Ebenezer, bringing him on for questioning.


They opt for the unorthodox use of hypnosis, taking Ebenezer back to his childhood and his school days where he meets his first love, Belle. Ebenezer sees Belle as she is now, married, children, dominant, incestuous and in charge.

Miss Elisa Belle Simmons, now a solicitor, enters the Interrogation Room, bringing a halt to the questioning and taking Ebenezer home, introducing him to her submissive husbands and sons, and dominate daughter. After having sex with both Belle and her 21yd old daughter, Ebenezer leaves happy with life. The ghost of Jacob Marley appears telling him Hell is pleased with his progress and reconnection with Belle.


Ebenezer is revisited by Jacob, who shows him the life Tina and his niece lead, both enjoying their lustful and kinky desires to the maximum, chiding Ebenezer for not doing the same. Ebenezer goes to a bar, putting himself out there, and meets Trisha, a beautiful woman with desires that match Ebenezer's. Trisha wakes to pain. Her hands are bound above her, her body astride a wooden beam, the cruel edging biting into her sex. A whip curls around her breast living a vivid red welt, an addition to many such welts. She calls out her safe word, to be met only with laughter. A blade touches her throat. She utters one word - Ebenezer. Detectives Golding and Jeffers race to an abandoned warehouse. Another body, only this one is still alive. Arriving, the EMT tells Golding the woman keeps saying the name Ebenezer. Ebenezer is arrested for the attempted murder of Trisha. Visions of Hell tease Ebenezer as he travels to the Police Station.


Within his cell, Ebenezer is visited by Death who shows him the way to Hell - The electric chair.


Detectives Golding and Jeffers arrest Belle for the murders and whilst there, Jeffers discovers a sex toy of two penises that strap around the waist. Bagged as evidence they are sure, this time, they have their murderer. Presented with a series of photos and CCTV, Belle is placed at the scene of every meet between Ebenezer and a victim. Laughing at their circumstantial evidence, Belle and Ebenezer walk free from the Police Station. In an unheard of show of defiance, Ebenezer refuses Belle and goes to the hospital to visit Trisha. Entering her room he sees Hell beneath her bed, the Demons expectant. Above, for the first time, Angels look down and in between Trisha. Refusing to end her life and send her to Hell or Heaven, he commits himself to her and her to him, and together to Belle, their new Mistress. Ebenezer watches as Belle and Trisha engage in sex with a woman before placing a plastic bag over her head and suffocating her to death. The Demons within his vision go wild, and carried on the air, the voice of Jacob


* An alternative end: Redemption - Ebenezer aids the police to capture Belle red handed

Roberto Vitale

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Nathaniel Baker

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Steven Blows

Love the idea and what's going on in the logline. I would suggest rewording it so that it flows a bit smoother. Right now it seems a bit segmented with information.

Steven Blows

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Tasha Lewis

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