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By Mitchell P. Ganem

GENRE: Horror, Comedy

A rock and roll superstar turns out to be a vampire queen with a band and entourage of werewolves, ghouls and zombies.


Layla is the queen of rock and roll; a sexy superstar who happens to be a vampire queen and the leader of an entourage of werewolves, ghouls and zombies. Layla gets whatever she wants and, after a show, what she wants is Tommy Hunter. Tommy is awed at meeting his rock and roll hero – until her fangs come out and she makes a midnight snack out of him.

As the Rock and Roll Animals head to the next show, Tommy’s identical twin brother Timmy goes looking for him. The trail leads to Layla.

Pulling into New York City, Layla decides she wants to dance. She meets a punk named Trash on the dance floor and devours him in the club’s rest room.

Timmy drives into the city and meets Rickie and Charlie; two hot club girls who are desperate to find Trash. He gives them a ride to the club. Rickie and Charlie discover Trash dead in the bathroom. Timmy spots Layla in the crowd. Timmy and the girls chase after the Rock and Roll Animals.

The next day, Timmy and the girls break into Layla’s house and discover all the creatures asleep, taking refuge from the daylight. But the sun sets and the creatures awake. Layla thinks that Timmy is actually Tommy, coming back as her undead lover – making him special, since few come back. Timmy goes along with the charade as the creatures do what all rockers do best: party. Rickie and Charlie are sucked into the party, as are Harvey and Pyle when they arrive.

At dawn, the animals prepare for bed and the truth comes out. Layla moves to kill Timmy, Rickie and Charlie. In the ensuing battle, Timmy rips open the heavy drapes, cornering Layla with daylight as they escape.

Timmy and the girls decide the best way to kill the creatures is to bust the house open to the daylight. With the help of two frustrated mercenaries, Hannibal and Jacob, they stage a strategic attack on Layla’s brownstone; letting the sunlight in. Creatures burst into flames and explode. But Layla is gone, leaving only a note. “See you at the show tonight.”

The group sneaks backstage packing special weapons: ultraviolet tanning lights. They set up a “tanning room” into which Rickie and Charlie lure unsuspecting rock and roll animals.

Timmy enrages Layla during the show. She races after him. The switch is thrown. The circuit breaker blows. They rush to fix it as Layla prepares to tear Rickie to shreds. The breaker is fixed. The tanning lights blast to life. Layla shrieks and bursts into whirling flames. As Layla explodes in a mini nuclear blast, the band explodes too – thrilling the crowd with the cool pyrotechnics.

When Layla’s smoke clears, everyone is alright. Rickie throws herself into Timmy’s arms for a romantic kiss. Then Timmy spots something glittering on the floor. A rock and roll pin. Everyone gathers around, scared by what the pin proclaims: “Rock and roll will never die.”

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