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By Thomas Thorpe

GENRE: Thriller, Horror

An aging sheriff searches for two college students who’ve disappeared in a dense Arizona forest, only to uncover a conspiracy involving intelligence operatives, criminals and potentially, extraterrestrials.


When North Korean patrol ships seized the USS Pueblo in 1968, the United States maintained the vessel was outside the 12 mile territorial limit. After 50 years, 83 crew members and their families are finally able to sue North Korea for reparations and a $2.3 billion award hangs in the balance if it can be proved boarding took place within international waters.

Every month during the Vietnam Era, our Air Force put a telescope in polar orbit, exposing film which was later parachuted back to Earth. Out of 140 missions, the satellite that took images of the boarding was the only one whose cannister didn’t come down, til now.

A CIA agent has asked an astronomy nerd with asthma at Lowell Observatory to venture into the Coconino Forest to see what survives. The North Koreans are also sending agents, and worse, he is told to take a girl with hiim to complete the guise.


John Tharp, and Carol Owens, a NAU junior whose family runs a mortuary climb to the top of the Mount Elden lookout tower shortly after midnight, when they see a green, triangular-shaped light moving across the sky.

The next day, Sheriff Tom Matthews pulls up to the watch tower and finds John's car with sticks of dynamite in the trunk. A search party is formed that includes Arnold, a bounty hunter and Jack, a loner with a shady past.

When Arnold doesn't return, Tom discovers his remains and John's burned-out car deep in the wilderness. Jack is also missing.


We delve into Jack’s past, a frost bitten orphan adopted by a pair of drug

In the present day, John falls from a tree and Carol runs for help but encounters hostile Koreans, while overhead, the UFO reappears. John’s mission is jeapordized by the sheriff’s search party, but Jack joins him near ground zero as the satellite’s impact looms nearer.

The massive impact and subsequent cannister discovery leads to Jack’s sacrifice before the North Koreans can reach the site. The sheriff is captured, but the CIA agent helps him escape.

Carol and John are reunited and join her parents to inform Sherfiff Tom of the Agency’s plan, but the UFO explanaton fails to satisfy John..

Nate Rymer

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