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By Thomas Thorpe

GENRE: Mystery, Sci-fi

Following recovery of a nanometer-sized memory storage device from an asteroid fragment, a scientist hastens to understand holograms left on a doomed planet and discovers that Earth is about to have a similar fate.


At a hastily called press conference, scientists in Sudan, Africa announce the discovery of tiny diamonds in fragments that have reached Earth from the only asteroid ever tracked prior to impact. SCI. NEWS: 5/12/2018

Weeks later, Bailey, a reporter for the Times, receives a phone call from professor Nabiei who has made an astounding discovery: within the 4 billion year old pieces - a few of the diamonds are actually 100 nanometer sized cubical memory storage devices.

Nabiei invites Bailey, her husband Brad, and fellow reporter Charlie to witness laser activation of holograms stored by aliens a month before their parent planet was destroyed in a collison during the solar system's early history.

In his laboratory, the four see the surface of a planet three times the size of earth. As the impinging orb grows in the sky above, the visitors view travel 20,000 miles to the only human city, surviving encounters with hostile creatures enroute to meet their predecessors in time.

Sadly, the ancient storage device fails and image cells drop out just as an alien is viewed leaving the surface.

Knowing what to look for expedites the search for more devices. Six months later another set of holograms is discovered within fragments of a different asteroid, only 500 million years old. The alien was then on an planet with a huge elliptical orbit predicted to return only 2 1/2 years from now before colliding with Earth.

The foursome convinces authorites to mount a massive campaign to send humans to establish a permanent colony on Mars, thereby ensuring survival of the human race.

Planet Cataclysm misses Earth creating significant tidal-force induced seismic damage, but the Mars colony doesn’t fare so well, using systems rushed into service. A rescue attempt for a handful of Americans is made from the Chinese outpost 1200 miles away.

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