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Mankind’s first interstellar passengers set off for Alpha Centauri, but only an empty spaceship arrives five months later. Four years pass before a distress signal is received by Earth where Captain Richter and a crew of fact finders blast off to find out what happened.
In the year 2934, the first interstellar passengers set off for Alpha Centauri utillizing the newly discovered Oort Gravitational Anomaly. Four years pass when their distress signal arrives at Earth. Captain Richter and a crew of experts are sent out to find the missing tourists and learn what happened to our outpost on Beta Centauri-7.
During the black hole flyby, Captain Richter is mysteriously transported to a planet in hyperspace where ‘ghosts’ of the former passengers warn that the Old Ones are on their way to eliminate the Centauris. Convinced it was only a dream, he proceeds to Beta Centauri’s planet, but arrives too late to save its inhabitants.
Following another onslaught on Alpha-G, Richter races after the Old Ones now heading for the OGA to prevent Earth’s future interstellar travel. Unfortunately, the only way to catch them is to locate another black hole which lies a two year trip in the opposite direction.