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By Justin Bellow

GENRE: Music, Drama

A dance champion suffers a major injury during an audition and is forced to go the distance during training as she discovers her true self; and true love.


The film focuses on three stages in the life of Amy: her childhood, adolescence, and early adult life. It explores the difficulties she faces with her relationships and identity, including the physical and emotional abuse she endures growing up.

Amy's biological parents abandoned her when she was just a baby and she's forced to live in an abusive foster care home. Growing up as the sole African American in the house the other girls consistently taunt and assault her any chance they get. After a chance encounter with Susan, a former world-renowned dance champion, she encourages Amy to attend one of her classes. Amy is hesitant at first, but quickly falls in love with aerial performances. Dancing essentially saves her life and eventually Susan adopts her.

During Amy's senior year of college she's sought after by the top dance troupes in the country. She's even contemplating going on tour before she graduates, much to the dismay of Susan. As Amy performs in a high-stakes showcase she suffers a broken foot during a complex move. While in the hospital Amy learns Susan was killed in a car accident on her way to the performance.

Emotionally broken, Amy thinks about quitting, but her aunt encourages her not to give up. She introduces Amy to Susan’s mentor, a former aerialist named Donna. Donna pushes Amy to be the best version of herself and against all odds, become the champion she knows she is. During her physical therapy Amy reconnects with an old friend from foster care, Anthony, who helps her during rehab and further convinces her to believe in herself. They eventually fall in love and for the first time since she was a kid, Amy feels like she deserves to be happy. As the training intensifies Amy becomes addicted to painkillers. Her behavior becomes increasingly erratic and she eventually dumps Anthony out of fear of being abandoned. Susan discovers her pill addiction and refuses to train her until she gets clean.

Amy goes through an intense detox period and remembers why she started dancing in the first place. She apologizes to Susan and promises to stay clean as they finish training. Susan reluctantly agrees to coach her again and Amy trains harder than she ever has. On the day of the audition Anthony shows up backstage to lend her support and the two reconcile. Amy gives the performance of a lifetime and she's offered an opportunity to go on a world tour. She and Anthony agree to always be friends and the two part ways.

Seven years later Amy is now the biggest aerialist in the world. She's the lead performer at her dance company based out of Chicago and has been touring non-stop. On his way home from work Anthony sees a banner for Amy's upcoming show in Los Angeles. He buys a ticket and during the final solo Amy sees him in the crowd. After the show she searches for him but he's not there. On her way to the airport the next day Amy asks her driver to take her through the neighborhood she grew up in. By chance, she spots Anthony in a retro film store they used to hang out at. She walks in and the two end up spending the day together. It's clear she's never getting on that plane. During a viewing of their favorite film, they embrace; reunited at last.


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