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By Eric Sollars

GENRE: Mystery

A family law attorney dukes it out with a highly polished corporate attorney over cemetery grounds haunted by her sister.


Emma Colt died years before at the age of fifteen during a school photography assignment at Rochester Falls. An investigation determined she died of an accidental fall. She is buried in Mount Mora Cemetery.

Rip Shepherd is a high-profile corporate attorney hired by Crown Development to spearhead their new project to be built where Mount Mora Cemetery sits. He plans to have the cemetery declared a nuisance.

Angie Colt, the younger sister of long-deceased Emma is the family law attorney who rises to stop Crown Development from acquiring the cemetery.

The ghost of Emma visits Angie and Rip. They both believe she wishes the cemetery to be preserved but they soon realize she is warning them of more. She was in reality murdered at the Falls by Gary Smith, the high school quarterback.

Gary Smith, in the present time, works at the City Planning Office. Gary murdered Emma at the falls years before and then attempted to murder fellow student Rip Shepherd. Rip survives but is in a coma for a month. He and his family move away after his recovery, but Rip has lost his memory for that particular time.

Rip returns to town as the highly successful corporate attorney assigned to gain control of the cemetery land. He is on track to have the cemetery condemned but soon realizes Gary is after him. Gary frames Rip for Emma's long-ago murder by planting the murder weapon, a baseball bat, at Rip's old family farm. Rip and Angie must work together to find the real killer of Emma. Rip slowly regains his memory and Gary realizes he must murder him.

Gary drives through the pothole and sinkhole-filled cemetery directly at Rip, but Emma's ghost scares him, driving into a sinkhole where Gary dies.

Rip and Angie agree to preserve the cemetery and to marry.

Arthur Charpentier

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