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When three childhood buddies mysteriously disappear within weeks of each other, it opens a door to their past indiscretions, leading a path to a woman hell bent on revenge.
Twenty years ago, Shayla Patterson, then a 14-year-old teenager, and her eight-year-old sister Michaela were kidnapped and repeatedly raped by three white teenagers, 15-year-old Carl Wagnor, 16-year-old Bruce Kasick and 16-year-old J.B. Watson. Since Shayla’s family was one of the few black families, in a predominately white town. The boy’s legal team orchestrated a smear campaign, negative gossip regarding the young girls spread through their small town like a wild fire. The three boys were released with barely a slap on the wrist. Receiving no justice and multiple death threats, Shayla’s father, afraid for his daughter’s lives, quietly packed up their home and moved he and his girls away during the dark of night. After Michaela commits suicide at the age of 17, Shayla vows revenge on the three boys, who had not only broken her but now taken away her sister. After spending years training and planning Shayla implements her plan of revenge on all three men, using her carefully thought out aliases
I agree with Pamela. The logline needs to be written from Shayla's POV. If not it sound kind of confusion. The boys are mysteriously missing but from the logline it would seem no one is looking for them because there is no protagonist in the sentence.