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By Art D'Alessandro

GENRE: Comedy, Drama, Independent

Danny Jordan, hardworking, slightly slow, diabetic, is a good guy... too good, in fact. He lets people take advantage of him, even move in with him, 6 people who don't contribute or fit in anywhere else. Could be the only thing to shake off the freeloaders and social misfits is Danny's apparent drug overdose.



We open on Danny's placid face, early morning, a lollipop stick hanging from his lips. Quickly we meet the other occupants of Danny's home: Carmina, a 6'4" transsexual, Brenda and her boyfriend, "wannabe musician" Jimmy, defrocked, oversexed priest Boyd, latter day Kerouac Rollie and his lost soul son Leo. Only Brenda is related to Danny... and even that's open to debate. Power's off, no hot water, the place is virtually shut down and Danny's dead, at least, that's EMT Jack's appraisal which Sheriff Tom agrees to, just as Danny's brother Scott arrives and takes out his anger on the "house guests.” We flash back to 20 years earlier, when Danny and pregnant Marnie are moving into the same house. It's obvious that Marnie wears the pants in the Jordan house and barely tolerates the hard-working, slightly slow, diabetic Danny, who takes on an additional full time job to support his wife and daughter and build capital he can put toward his dream of opening a very special B & B.

Well into an extramarital affair, Marnie dumps Danny, taking daughter Brenda with her, and plants Rollie and Leo in the house. While Danny pines over his fate and the woman he's loved from afar since high school, Karen Grover Delaney, he continues to work his life away, much to Scott's dismay. When Brenda turns 18 Marnie sends her and beau Jimmy back to Danny, as his child support has expired. Danny takes them in, though neither has a job, but Jimmy has a lead on a "tricked out" Celica for Brenda, so she can pursue work. Jimmy always has a lead on something or always knows a guy who... And Danny always is a guy who gives in, as when he takes in grocery store checker Carmina, who's just lost her job andis down on her luck. When Danny spots the familiar yet now dour face of Father Boyd, he finds out that Boyd is no longer a priest and is very conflicted about his inability to abstain from sex, especially when God has endowed him in such a generous way. Father Boyd needs a home.

The house now bursting at the seams and Danny a full-blown diabetic, his mother Irma makes her own home off limits to him until he can get his house in order and before his freeloading boarders drag him all the way down. Danny, down in the dumps at his situation, begins a quest to find his bliss, after a guru-like Lecturer sets him on course. He tries dating Emma, who recently lost her hubby to diabetes, but she comes on too strong for him. He collects pelican statuettes. He loses himself in his grocery store work and continues reading up on and planning for his B & B goal.

But it’s become obvious that bliss will elude Danny when he gives up on his B & B dream, deciding that his house and these people have taken its place. He finally breaks down and falls into a diabetic coma, and while hospitalized gets a verbal scourging from a Smiley Face Balloon (things that normally don't talk have a way of communicating with him). Time for Danny to save himself. His health restored, Danny hatches a very unique survival plan -- to take his own life. He meets with Dr. Delaney, Karen's husband, and is given the drugs necessary for him to escape.

We loop back to our open and Danny's apparent suicide/heart attack... but quickly the pieces fall into place and we discover that Danny has not died, but constructed an elaborate ruse for the houseguests by faking his death, using a drug that takes his heartbeat down to a whisper.

But things don't go quite as planned, and not even Paramedic Jack knows how to help Danny. He's overdosed, taken too much of the drug in combination with his nightly Tylenols. Jack administers paddles, yet Danny lies still… and peaceful, finally. While Jack breaks the news to Scott, Danny receives another visit from Smiley Face Balloon, this time in the form of a dream, and he wakens. He feels pretty good, too, except for his chest which stings a bit, for some reason.

The houseguests have gotten their due, some good, some bad, and some just plain weird. Danny bids his

family goodbye. He's off to fulfill that lifelong dream – the B & B. He’d love to set it up in space,

somewhere 62 miles above the earth’s surface, but he’s afraid of heights. So, where then... ?

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