I love the idea but can you add one or two words suggesting her motivation? Obviously the title of the film suggests it, but is she conflicted in any way?
I like the idea a lot. Maybe put a bit more mystery in your logline to help build up suspense.
It's 1945 and after a German a platoon evacuates a shelter one member finds very important documents that have been left behind. Her decisions could change everything.
Thank you all for your input. Richard Toye, yes something about motivation. Bill Albert I'm a bit torn about mystery. On the one hand giving the game away may remove the impact of learning motivation at the story's end. On the other hand, a decision maker might not go further without knowing the motivation. Mike Childress, wow, that's a good logline. Something to shoot for.
1 person likes this
I love the idea but can you add one or two words suggesting her motivation? Obviously the title of the film suggests it, but is she conflicted in any way?
1 person likes this
I like the idea a lot. Maybe put a bit more mystery in your logline to help build up suspense.
It's 1945 and after a German a platoon evacuates a shelter one member finds very important documents that have been left behind. Her decisions could change everything.
Thank you all for your input. Richard Toye, yes something about motivation. Bill Albert I'm a bit torn about mystery. On the one hand giving the game away may remove the impact of learning motivation at the story's end. On the other hand, a decision maker might not go further without knowing the motivation. Mike Childress, wow, that's a good logline. Something to shoot for.