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By Andrew Amani

GENRE: Sci-fi

Free from the shackles of a singular and linear narrative, Ethereality is a series of four interactive chronicles where each story parallels each other and focuses on a specific character's perspective around the central dramatic conflict.

The Ozaria Chronicles:
As the last remaining bloodline of her family, the Empress (Prime Lady Hanai Ozaria) must find a way to preserve her monarchy before she succumbs to mortality.

The Xevanton Chronicles: When an idealistic philanthropist (Ori Xevanton) inherits his father’s biotech empire, his beliefs are challenged as he gets lured into the agenda of the company’s core philosophy which goes against everything he stands for.

The Lasaker Chronicles: When a neuroscientist (Bishop Lasaker) has his revolutionary technology stolen and his memory erased, he gets ensnared in an underground rebellion and subconsciously leads the resistance against the global totalitarian regime that was built on his invention.

The Seluvaia Chronicles: When her indigenous tribe is wiped out in the name of progress, this lone survivor (Seluvaia) tries to reestablish her heritage among a modern society but discovers that progress is more than a name - its her illegitimate father, Ori Xevanton.


The various chronicles take place at the dawn of the apocalypse and revolves around the retro-futuristic invention, Cerebral Transference, which is the revolutionary extrapolation of memory and intelligence onto a cloud storage directly from the brain.

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