In a small mountain town suffering from a lack of snow, a straight-laced teenage girl fakes a bigfoot sighting in an attempt to revive her desperate Dad’s failing ski business, but in doing so exposes her dangerous secret.
I always wonder if that kind of open sentences (...exposes her dangerous secret...) are really useful in a logline. I sense that they are not, because what that secret is is the key to whether the story interests me or not. Example: if her darkest secret is that... she voted Democrat, I'm not interested. If her dark secret is that she is in fact Big Foot, then maybe I am.... (this is not a note, but a question I'm genuinely asking myself).
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I always wonder if that kind of open sentences (...exposes her dangerous secret...) are really useful in a logline. I sense that they are not, because what that secret is is the key to whether the story interests me or not. Example: if her darkest secret is that... she voted Democrat, I'm not interested. If her dark secret is that she is in fact Big Foot, then maybe I am.... (this is not a note, but a question I'm genuinely asking myself).