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By Elaine Haygood

GENRE: Thriller, Sci-fi

While on the run from a Homicidal Maniac. A "Homegirl with a Ph.D."  and her Human-Werewolf Hybrid daughter find themselves embroiled in a deadly dispute between Werewolves and Humans at the ass end of civilized space. 


If before her death, Dr. Josette Anthony's Muh'Dea had ever told her she'd find herself fleeing her husband, Dr. Stephen Durant. Who, following a lab accident may now be a murderous psychopath. She'd have said the old woman had lost her mind.

And yet, here she was, their Hybrid child, Petra in tow, bouncing from colony to colony desperately attempting to fly beneath his radar as well as that of the Packs Council: A shadowy organization, controlling the lives of all Werewolves as they do their best to blend into human society on Earth and her Outer Colonies while keeping their existence secret.

The problem with secrets is that they often come to light in the most destructive ways.

As the "People" of the Banares Colony find out when its reactor blows, causing Josette-One of the few individuals fortunate enough to escape to go further underground.

They eventually land on Outpost 94. Considered the "Ass-End of civilized Space", where she and Petra. Now 17 and exceptionally rebellious, they find themselves caught up in a situation where "something" has begun killing the Colonists. While a militarized religious cult whose figurehead is a fanatical Street Preacher hell-bent on exterminating "The Beast" and "His Kind", wreaks havoc among the Lycanthropes.

Add a pair of local Detectives determined to crack the case and restore order closing in. Josette must rely on her unique blend of street smarts and book learnin' to ensure she and Petra survive.

Luckily, Muh'Dea raised no fools.

Note: This script is currently being adapted as a graphic novel


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Angela Cristantello

Hi there, Elaine! I think that you have a ton of fun potential here, for sure. I do, however, think that it would be a good idea to streamline the logline as it currently feels just a little too wordy to follow clearly.

Also, we don't know what a "Hybrid child" is, so having that spelled out for us would be super helpful, too.

Niksa Maric

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Nate Rymer

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Elaine Haygood

Angela. Thanks for the feedback.

I'll give the Logline another bash and explain that Petra is a Human-Werewolf Hybrid.

Tasha Lewis

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Shelly Battista

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Marvin Younathin

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