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A once peaceful land is dragged into the chaos of battle, people cry out for their legendary heroine. When she returns, she must decide whom in the land is worth fighting for.
The village in the Jade Mountains is in the crosshairs of a brutal war taking place
between the emperor and the kingdom across the seas. Many young men and women have been drafted
into the army in order to fight, regardless of sex or gender. As long as they were able bodied enough to
fight, the Emperor didn't care that he was sending them to their deaths. In his mind and in the minds of the other people, it is a sacrifice that must be made for some greater good of winning
the war. The people once believed that a brave warrior queen, the White Snow Archer, will return in their darkest hour, but the world felt to dark and hopeless to believe in such tales anymore. One young boy feels desperate and evokes the warrior queen in the hope that she will awaken and lead their people to the glowing utopia they were promised.