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By Val Chernyavskiy

GENRE: Horror, Action

When a man is possessed by an astral entity, his wife desperately tries to help him by calling parapsychologists, priests, but nothing helps, for he keeps repeating 'Soon a powerful sorcerer will pass into the world of the living and enslave mankind.'


Linda (30) years old, she tries to write scripts for films, but not really, it turns out, due to a lack of knowledge and experience. Linda is missing a hand on her left arm as a result of a car accident. Linda's husband, Ash (28), works as the head of security for the wealthy collector Mr. Lee. Ash is back from work, but he's talking to himself and drawing strange symbols on his body with a felt-tip pen. Linda calls Ash's employer, Mr. Lee, and says that Ash is acting strange. Mr. Lee reports that Ash unknowingly touched the armor of an ancient sorcerer and that this is just a failure of Ash's information field, the failure should pass in a couple of days. Linda did not wait and turned to parapsychologists and priests, but to no avail.

Linda visits her father, the priest Bert (62), who works as a caretaker of the forest cottages and lives in the old church. Linda complains that she doesn't know how to help Ash. Ash came to Linda and Bert with an old book in his hands. Ash informs them that the great sorcerer Shoichi will soon come to the world of the living and enslave humanity. Bert reacted aggressively, knocking him to the floor and tying him up with a rope. Bert performs exorcisms on Ash, but all in vain. Bert tries to talk to the astral entity that is terrorizing Ash. A low, frightening voice tells the priest that he will soon see something that he has never seen before. Ash does not like Burt's conversation with the astral entity, Ash suffers and suffers, then calls out the name: "Shoichi". A strong wind blew through the fireplace chimney and soot flew into the room. All the soot flew into Ash's mouth. Ash began to change, his muscle mass increased, and his height increased. Long black hair grew, and frightening fingernails. The soul of the sorcerer Shoichi took over Ash's body. Shoichi broke the ropes he was tied with and grabbed Bert by the throat, Bert prays.

A Japanese flute is heard in the distance, the melody is playing closer and closer. Shoichi released Bert and picked up the book from the floor and reads it. Thunder rumbled outside the window, two demons appeared in front of the windows of the cottage in the guise of two brown-haired women in latex suits. The demons demand that Shoichi throw them Bert and Linda so they can taste human flesh. Shoichi throws Bert out, he falls in front of the demons. Linda collapses next to Bert.

A powerful blow is heard, Shoichi flies out of the window and falls in front of the demons. Mamoru (33) jumps out of the window, dressed as a tenth century guard, with a katana and a flute on his belt. The corresponding Japanese hieroglyphs are applied on the clothes. Mamoru got into a fighting stance, Shoichi flees. Mamoru orders Linda and Bert to keep Shoichi away from the armor. Linda and Bert leave by car. Mamoru attacks the demons, but they tear Mamoru to pieces. The pieces are reassembled and Mamoru comes to life. Mamoru gets into a fighting stance again and attacks the demons again. Linda and Bert go to the collector, Mr. Lee, who keeps Shoichi's armor. Mamoru teleports to Linda and Bert in the car, scaring them. Mamoru explains who he is and who Shoichi is, and why it's important to keep Shoichi out of his armor.

Mr. Lee (70) personally meets Mamoru, accompanied by security. Mr. Lee shows Shoichi's armor to Mamoru. Then Mr. Lee captures Mamoru, in a special cage for astral entities. Mr. Lee demands knowledge from Mamoru: the secrets of the universe, what is beyond the boundaries of the universe, how to obtain immortality. Mamoru refuses, as this knowledge is not for humans. Linda and Bert are tied up and lying near by Mamoru.. There is a massacre outside, Mr. Lee's guards try to keep Shoichi away from the castle, but the forces are not equal. Shoichi tears apart the armed guards with his bare hands.

Realizing his losing position, Mr. Lee tries to negotiate with Shoichi. Mr. Lee shouts from the window: "That he is ready to give the armor, but ask not to kill him and the guards." To which Shoichi replied: "It does not happen that a cow negotiates with a butcher." Mr. Lee fled into the depths of the castle in search of salvation. Linda manages to free herself and free Bert. Linda is talking to Mamoru, asking to help. Linda says that there is little time and Shoichi is already coming here. Mamoru informs her that she will need to carry Shoichi's book with her at all times, and then leans in and whispers in Linda's ear. Bert lifts the cage by the rope to the ceiling; Linda rips the dark curtains from the windows. Shoichi entered the room where Bert, Linda, was a moment ago. Shoichi touches his armor, it starts to play with blood-ruby hues. Mamoru's cage falls on Shoichi. Shoichi and Mamoru fight in the cage. Linda throws dark curtains over the cage. Hissing... Growling... Silence...

Linda removes the curtains from the cage, only the gray-haired Ash is in the cage, the muscle mass is gone, the height has decreased. Ash's body was released by Shoichi's soul. The cries of demons are heard from the street, they are evil and they want to return Shoichi's soul. Ash comes to his senses, He is excited and come to the window, he insults the demons. Burt asks him to stop talking to the demons. The demons throw a rock at Ash, the rock goes right through Ash's head. Ash is dead. Linda is frightened, she grabs Shoichi's book and tries to escape from the castle, but a demon blocks her way. He demands from Linda to let Shoichi's soul into her body for universal benefits. Linda refuses and runs away. Linda is found by Bert and asks her not to follow the servants of darkness. Demons entered the room with Linda and Bert. They lowered them to their knees with a wave of their hands. A demon stood over Bert and ordered Linda to read the book and let Shoichi's soul into her body, otherwise Bert would die in front of her eyes. Linda agrees. Bert asks it not to, but the demon kills Bert. Linda begins to read the book, she grows a powerful hand with sharp claws. Linda is ordered to keep reading, but Linda attacks the demon and rips out its spine.

Another demon tries to kill Linda, but Linda protection herself with a powerful hand and at the right moment grabs the demon by the throat and strangles. The demon promises to haunt her until she gives up her body for Shoichi. Linda kills the demon and exits the castle with Shoichi book in her hands. A strong wind met Linda, someone from the side of the forest is watching Linda.

Marcos Fizzotti

I like your logline, but how about this (just a suggestion): When a man is possessed by an astral entity, his wife desperately tries to help him by calling parapsychologists, priests, but nothing helps, for he keeps repeating 'Soon a powerful sorcerer will pass into the world of the living and enslave mankind.'

Marcos Fizzotti

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Val Chernyavskiy

Marcos Fizzotti Thank you so much! I will use your logline! If I can help with something, let me know. Thanks again!

Val Chernyavskiy

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Nate Rymer

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Tasha Lewis

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Marcos Fizzotti

You're welcome, Val. I'm glad I could help.

Nathaniel Baker

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Leonor LeRu

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